Story 2

891 13 6

Author note :)

TBH I didn't originally think I was going to continue this story but I started thinking about it so I said why not.

"○" pov


I sat in my room staring up at the ceiling, its been a couple of days since I first uh... offically "met" my supervisor, Im just gonna call him "S" for now since we aren't allowed to share names other than our numbers.

I kind of want to get to know S better. After all our only interactions so far have been.. sex. I just hope he'll be okay with us building a relationship, I know some people don't enjoy doing that.

Ok, tomorrow when we meet up in the crematorium I'll talk to S, I just hope it goes well.

"Lights off" the computerized female voice calls out, causing my room to go dark, just in time. I roll over, facing the wall, and pull the thin blanket over my shoulder, slowly but surely falling asleep.

The next day

The players today are playing a game of hide and seek.  There are 3 soldiers (the triangle masks) who are "it", and the players must hide using the buildings around the map. If they are found they get shot. 4 workers are placed at the corners of each map which includes me.

"Player 407 eliminated"

Really all I want to do right now is repeatedly bang my head into the wall behind me if it meant I could sit down, you'd think I'd get used to walking and standing and going up and down stairs for the whole day but apparently not.

The buzzer beeps and the game is over. Shit. There's alot of bodies which means less time to talk with S, I just hope it'll be enough time.

. . .

After burning the bodies, everyone leaves which leaves me and S alone again, theres a long pause of awkward silence between us, I think we both want to talk.

Im glad that we're atleast in a area where the cameras can't see us, otherwise we'd probably be in alot of trouble.

"..uh, so.. I wanted to talk with you..?" I slightly whisper, God why couldn't this be easier..?

"..what do you want to talk about?" S reaches out and gently holds my hand, slightly squeezing it while looking down at the ground. he doesn't seem to be used to intimacy, he isn't alone there.

I gently squeeze his hand back in response. we should take things slow, dont want to scare him off.

"..whats your favorite color? I dont know, I just want to get to know you better, if uh.. thats okay..?"

He looks at me, probably a little surprised, God I hope he isn't upset with me asking that..

There's another pause between us until he finally speaks ", my favorite color is blue"

I smile under my mask, I'm really glad that he isn't upset with me asking that.

"All staff, please return to your rooms" the voice echos

"Shit" he cusses under his breath "we got to go before lights off" he gently grabs my arm and we hurry to the elevator and press the button to go up.
"Will I see you again tomorrow?" I ask and he nods "actually im needed for the next game to make sure no ones a fuck up" I chuckle to his response "see you then"

The elevator door opens, I lift up my mask slightly and kiss his hand, then I run off to my room, fumbling with the keys as I go to unlock it. I'm so flustered by kissing his hand despite us doing worse.

I open my door and fall onto my bed, left with my thoughts but.. Im excited to see him again, I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

"Lights off"

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