A helping hand

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Ugh he's so annoying. Isn't this great?? I really thought he was warming up to me but then as soon as he knew who I was he just went all Regina George on me!!!i just met him yet I still feel abit hurt.

He probably had bad encounters with the crime department who knows? either way...we found alot of information, the man without a face, Hannah's depression, the prescriptions and Hannah coming out from a pharmacy, Cleo said Mrs. Sully saw Hannah there looking white as a wall. And Phil lashing out at her... suspicious? I guess. And Iris and her late daughter..How is Hannah related to Iris?? 

The Mwaf( man without a face for short) has started crossing his boundaries and attacked Jessy and caused Dan's accident...maybe. Dan was drunk after he got stood up by Jessy and drove home drunk and crashed into a tree. He says that the brakes weren't working. That probably message someone tampered with it.

A few hours later...

It was now dinner time and the guests have arrived.

Y/n: hey guys. Let's go to the dining room shall we?

Evelyn:woah what's the rush? it must be really important.

Y/n: i would like to hurry this up and not waste time.

Keith: what did you want to talk about?

Y/n: well. First of all,I'd like to apologize for keeping this a secret,i had to find out more first. Chief i...i am now involved in a missing person's case.

The three looked at each other then at me.

Evelyn: Elaborate.

I told them everything,the hacker,the group and the clues we found. It took me like almost 2 hours explaining. They seemed stunned especially for the fact that a hacker who is currently hacking illegally is involved and I am helping him.

Keith: Are you sure you don't know Hannah?

Y/n: i have a feeling i do. I think I've met her somewhere.

Lucas: Hannah...Donfort....wait isn't she the girl who you bumped into, Y/n? The one at the cafe? I think it was around...when we were in highschool. Our families went to visit Duskwood.

Keith: Rightt she accidentally spilled your coffee and bought you another one and you guys talked and clicked immediately

Y/n: oh right!! We did meet before!! we became close but then we soon lost contact after college. I was going to meet her but didn't really get the time. Maybe that's why she sent my number to Thomas. She knew I was an intern at the crime department.

Evelyn: It's possible. Also the main issue is the hacker. You're working with a criminal?

Y/n: he may be abit harsh but i have a feeling that he's innocent. I know I'm a detective and shouldn't trust people easily but I'd like to hear his story. Besides he seemed to accept the fact to go to prison if he was wrong but he wants someone to help him like geniunely help him. And he did have a huge hatred towards the government. There must be a reason why. Also chief, i need your permission to continue working this case and permission for the hacker to hack information about Hannah.

Evelyn: Seeing how the hacker is behaving right now...it seems like he doesn't hack alot i mean he was quite offended being called a "hacker". I think he only hacks in order to keep himself safe from the government and to find information for this case.

Lucas: you mean something else was the reason why he's hiding from the government and not actually him?

Keith: Maybe he hacks but not in an illegal way, and maybe he actually typed a wrong code and opened the wrong file? or maybe...someone forced him to hack and now putting the blame on him?

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