The Man With The Umbrella : pt2

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Chapter 5
The Man With The Umbrella

067 X Fem! Reader
Squid Game - Netflix


"Where is she?" I whispered as 212 looked into the vents, "I dunno." She growled.
"You need to go back! Come out now!" The masked shouted, gotta admit he was nice enough to even bring us here. He's putting his own life in danger... I think?
He was about to open the door until I screamed, "wait! Stop! No wait! They're gone! All of the stool wipes are gone I can't find any!" 212 shouted.
I ran to the tap and turned it on, "yeah! Use the sink!" I said, she nodded, "good idea!" She said loudly.
"Oi fucker! Unless you wanna see 212 washing her ass in the sink you should stay out there!" I shouted.
"Damn it there no toilet paper in here either!" 212 shouted.
"If you don't come out I'll drag you all out!" He shouted, banging on the door. "I have to wipe myself!" 212 shouted once again, as I stiffled a laugh.
Suddenly we heard a bang of the door open, and thankfully Sae had climbed through and grabbed the toilet roll. "Hey! Aren't you supposed to check each stall for toilet paper get that square guy here! I need to file a complaint!" 212 shouted.
Suddenly he opened the door, witnessing holding my nose and Sae holding her nose whilst holding toilet roll, and 212 doing a shocked face while 'wiping' herself. "You bastard what the hell?" 212 growled.
He immediately shut the door as we all nodded.
"I can't believe this!" She's good at acting but not good enough...
We all rushes out the stall, "you little bastard you- hey jerk face!" 212 made the mask look towards her by hitting his shoulder roughly, "you, we said don't come in, didn't we?!" She asked, pointing a finger at him.
"You harassed us in there yeah?" 212 asked, I just walked away towards the door, not wanting to get involved as 212 continued to shout at the Mask.
As we walked through the halls 212 get bragging to Sae, trying to break what Sae saw to her, I wasn't much interested.

Once we made it to the main room, we walked past files of beds as 212 continued to ask.
"Hey, what did you see? Huh?" She asked.
"Come on what did you see?" 212 just didn't give up. But can she just shut up.
"I'll tell you tomorrow." Sae said. I smirked at her choice of words, thankfully they couldn't see by the lack of light.
"Why tomorrow? Just tell me now. Hey! WhT did you see?!" 212 whisper shouted.

Time skip

I groaned as I lifted my eyes lids open, the classical music played as the woman's voice came from the speakers, "Attention. It is now time for breakfast. All players, please form a line in the centre of the room."
The woman spoke. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around mindlessly, until my eyes landed upon 212 talking to Sae.
I sighed and climbed down,
I watched as 212 departed from Sae so I walked up to her.
"Hey you alright?" I asked, she looked up at me and stared into my E/C eyes for around a minute. I then pulled out my hand and she happily took it, I rode her from the floor, "let's get some food before some dickhead takes it all." I said, she nodded without a word and we continued to walk to the tables where the masks were and lined up, talking mindlessly about anything but what she saw since I saw it quite upset her.
We had gotten some wrapped up bread and milk. I took it and so did Sae. I didn't feel like eating, I wasn't hungry at all. We went to her bed and sat at the stairs, "you want mine?" I asked, showing her my food, she looked at me and raised a brow. "You're not going to eat?" She asked. I shook my head, "I'll have the milk, I'm not hungry at the moment." I complied. She nodded and took the extra food as I opened it and downed the bottle.
"I saw them storing something." She said, I looked at her, giving her my full attention, "they put something in there, a white powder.. I couldn't tell what it was, but it smelt sweet.. like sugar." She said. I went into thought.
"Honeycomb?" I asked. Her eyes widened. I'm guessing she was surprised I guessed that on such little information. "It could be." She said.
I never realised the music was off until it started to play once again, confusing everyone.
"Attention. The second game will begin shortly. Please follow the staffs instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall. I will now repeat the instructions." As the woman repeated her words I stood up, and Sae followed behind.
As we followed to our next destination.
Going through the maze like room.
Sae-byeok in front of me, but I felt a new presence behind me.
"She saw something right? I know she told you." He began, I turned my head slightly to see who I'm talking to, 218.
"I happened to overhear your discussion last night. So tell me, what did she see?" He whispered.
"Why should I tell you?" I asked.
"Well, all the games they made us play in here are games I have known since I was a young boy. The next game will be too, I'm willing to bet. You tell me what she saw. I might guess what it is." He said.
I turned my head again to glare at him, "I already know what it is, just try and give me a good enough explanation to tell you. I mean- c'mon, you probably won't even help your team and just be self-absorbed... like everyone els in this damn place except 67." I gritted. His eyes widened. "You know? I'll tell my friends promise!" He said.
"I'll give you a clue, nothing more." I suggested, "a clue? Really-" I cut him off. "It's e it her that or nothing retard." I said.
He sighed, "fine what?" He asked. I smirked, "sugar." I lastly said as we entered the game hall.
Sand scattered the floor as the walls were drawn on clouds, with a fence outlining the wall. A massive swing and slide followed by monkey bars followed the rooms exterior, making it look like a park for that creepy doll.
I stood next to Sae.
"Players, welcome to the second game. We will begin shortly."
I looked at Sae, who was looking at the shapes.
Triangle, Square, star and an umbrella. "Go for the triangle, it's the easiest." I whispered as Sae nodded.
"Players, before the second game begins, choose one of the four available shapes you see on the wall. Once you've chosen your shape, please stand in front of it."
After some thinking time, the woman spoke again. I looked at sang-woo. He knew i know he did, he lied, dirty little raskle.
"Choose a shale and stand in front of it immediately"
Me and Sae went straight to the triangle, being the first ones to choose.
People saw us and followed. I hated the face 101 followed.
"The time to select your shape has ended. I will now explain the rules of the next game."
Suddenly the doors in front of me opened, revealing piles of tins on a metal table.
"All players please take one case each from the table at the front of your line"
I walked forward and took hold of the tin the circle mask was handing out, I thanked him and went to sit next to the slide. Sae took hers and joined me, planting herself next to me.
"Please take a moment to open the case and check the contents."
I opened the lid and there was a carve triangle in the honeycomb, with a needle, I smirked and looked at Sae who nodded her head slightly.
"Your smart." She whispered, as I laughed.
"The second game is, Sugar Honeycomb. The shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb. The time limit is ten minutes. You will pass if you trim out the shape without it breaking or cracking within the time limit. With that, let the game begin."
I began to carve out my piece until I noticed 199, looking around confused, I've seen him time to time, he's the innocent sweet one, "I'll be back." I whispered, and crept over to him.
"Hey." I whispered, he looked over to me.
"Oh? Hello." He said.
"I see your struggling, what you have to do is either lick the tip of the needle and carve the shape out perfectly, or take the honeycomb out and lick the back till it pops out okay?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, "thank you very much ma'am." He said, I smiled back and went back to Sae. "What did you say?" Sae asked.
"Just giving him a little help, he's confused." I said as she nodded.

I licked the tip of the my needle and was nearly done, I cracked a loose part and took a small bite, as I was carving I heard muffled begs and then a loud bang, I covered my ears and squinted my eyes closed. Sae looked over at me, concerned as I squinted my eyes opened, a man had slid down the slide, seemingly being shot in the head, a trail of his blood followed down the slide.
This had caused people to jump and crack their honeycomb. Death after death.
I had finished and stood up, showing the mask.
"Player 457, pass."
I was escorted out of the doors, on the way I was wishing people good luck by a small nod or a soft smile.
I was brought back to the main hall and was first, so I took the time to myself perfectly.
I began to sing and dance around the room, until Sae walked in, I blushed and stood still.
"H-hey Sae." I smiled sheepishly, she chuckled and walked up the me, a small glint in her eyes that she enjoyed it in a way. How could I tell, heaven knows.
Soon more and more people joined. I hugged her, "I'm glad your alive." I said. She hugged me back. "Me too, Y/N. Me too." I loved the way she said my name.
Soon 199 came in, he walked up to me, he bowed repeatedly, "thank you, thank you, thank you so much good miss." He said. I smiled. "Not a problem, you deserve to live anyway." I said, as he stood up straight. He hugged me as I hugged him back. Sae grunted a little.
"I'm Ali! Ali Abdul." 199; who is now Ali, said. I nodded, "Y/N L/N." I smiled, shaking his hand.
"I'm always here if you need help okay." I smiled, he nodded and went to his friend Gi-hun: 456.
I walked with Sae to my bed as we climbed our way up.
"So much people have lived yet so much have died." I sighed. Sae only nodded... not speaking a word..

Hope you all enjoyed!

(1895 words)

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