Chapter 1 (Intro)

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JANUARY MONDAY, 2009. 6:48 am


"Ugh.... " *hits the off bottom on the alarm clock*
"Alexa, play "Good as Hell" by Lizzo and Ariana Grande."

I started to get up and go to the bathroom. I was singing and dancing all my way there I loved my good vibes in the morning. I turned on the shower and start to take the face mask off my face and gathered my clothes. After I was done with that I started to take a shower. I started to think about how this year might go. Although the year had already started I was still nervous. What could happen? What will happen? I had a weird feeling in my stomach. After all the drama that happened a year ago, the horrible and life-changing memories came back. I got out of the shower and started to do my hair. I had gotten so lost in the music that I forgot that I was doing my hair and saw I was almost done.

"FINALLY!" I was struggling for a while with my hair. It was hard work to make my hair look good and freshly done it was always really tangled and I would have to use all my new hair products. Problems with curly hair. I put my hair in two big braids. It was a long process that took me some time but it was so worth it to look this amazing. After I finished getting dressed and brushed my teeth, and wash my face. I went downstairs to the kitchen. As I was walking down the stairs I smelled bacon, pancakes, and-

"CHARLOTTE!" Yelled the little five-year-old child. This little child that interrupted my thoughts is my baby niece. Her name is Maddie. She was the daughter of my older brother and his wife. I had two older brothers, I'm the youngest out of the three of us. Even tho she was my niece she felt more like my baby sister sometimes. She's always there for me and I can always rely on her. I guess it's because she's the closest thing I have to a younger sibling. She always can find a way to make me happy even in my darkest times. My brother and his wife both have jobs so she's normally with me and my parents in the mornings when she's not in school. If you haven't guessed she's homeschooled.

"Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte grandma made breakfast come on!" The little girl said as she was dragging me to the table and sat down in a chair. She then patted on the chair next to her for me to come to sit. As I sat down I saw my mother come with two plates of food.

"Food has arrived."

"Yayyyy!" said the girl as she dug in

"Mom where's dad?" I curiously not seeing him insight.

"He's at work, he said he was gonna work overtime." She said still paying attention to washing the dishes.

"Oh. Ok." I was kinda sad about this but honestly, I'm pretty used to it. He was always at work.

"So do you want me to drive you to school?" My mom asks cleaning the dirty child's face.

"No me and Victoria are walking to school together."

"Oh ok be careful out there."

"Yea, yea, I will love you, mom, love you, Maddie!"

As I walked around I felt a presence behind me. They tried to touch me but before they could even lay another finger I twisted their arm back and had them locked in my gripe.

"OOOWWW OWWWW CHARLOTTE STOP." As I heard the girl scream I realized that it was my best friend Victoria. I let her go so fast she fell right on the ground. I started laughing so hard.

"What the heck!-Why are YOU LAUGHING THAT HURT!"

This made me laugh harder. "I'm laughing cuz your so mad." This only made her madder like I knew it would. Me and Victoria have been friends since kindergarten. We've always been together. She's like my twin but not my twin she's basically like my other haft. Even though we had everything in common. She can be a little fake sometimes but is not too big of a problem, right? After I stopped laughing we started talking about a lot of weird stuff until we got to school. We headed to the back where we saw our friends waving at us. I guess I should introduce them.

Chloe: funny, cool, friends with mostly everyone, artist

Miranda: nice, bookworm, fun but shy

Cori: kinda mean, sporty, loves video games, a bit of drawing

Victoria: prankster, really funny mean and nice, amazing dancer, bossy

Dominique: girly, shopping, singer, kinda nice, likes video games

Emma: adorable, fun, goofy, party girl, really nice

And lastly,

Sofia: nerdy, shy, a bit weird but funny, complicated, drawing

"So have you guys heard about the camping trip?" Cori asked in a scary tone.

"Stop it you know I get scared easily!" Said Miranda with a squeal.

"What camping trip?" Said Chloe I could tell she was confused I mean I was too they didn't say anything about a camping trip.

"There's a three-day camping trip coming up y'all gonna go?" Cori asked.

"Well, I gotta ask my parents still." Emma

"Same," said Me, Chloe, and Miranda.

"Well, my dad said I could go." Said Victoria.

*Class Bell*

"Alright how about we all ask our parents after school and I'll send y'all the info so they can see what's gonna happen?" Said Cori.

"Ok bet" we all said and went to class.

On my way to class, I got a message from

"Here's the info for the camp trip hopeful you can come 😉!"

I had a weird feeling about this trip but it wasn't a bad one. But honestly what could happen on a school camping trip. They held one every year it can't be that bad.

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