Chapter 2

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JANUARY MONDAY, 2009. 3:49 pm

*After school*

The class was finally over and I could go home. I was so excited to see Maddie, she was the cutest lil thing and could light up anyone's mood. She was the only one who I felt safe with as stupid as it sounds. Plus she was basically my twin, we had everything in common even though she was 5 and I was 16. I was a few blocks away from my house when I got notifications from my phone. Messages from lots of people. My messages were filled but only one caught my attention. Jake.

I never had a crush. Well, except one. And it definitely wasn't Jake. But anyways I barely feel anything towards people. Especially Attraction. I knew that I was a strong girl and so were my friends, but when it came to love they were sad ducks. But for me I was different I didn't fall in love or know the feeling so I was never affected. But I'm not going to lie I did get jealous sometimes when they would always talk or speak about their crush and I was known as the "lonely and boring lover". They didn't even know me and never tried to get to know me. But at least I had the sense to know who wanted something real and who wanted sex. But no one listened so in the end they always got their hearts broken because the boy they thought was perfect played them. I refuse to let that happen to me. When I find the one for me it'll be the person that will never break me. And maybe Jake is the one? No.

Jake was the normal typical guy. There's nothing wrong with him but I just never liked him. I rejected him so many times. His friends started to spread rumors. They told everyone we were dating and even though I denied it everyone believed his friends. He later apologized and told me he felt bad for what they did and he didn't know they would do that we sorta became friends after that, he's a better person now. He later came out. My friends didn't like him but they tried to be nice. They came around after a while. They always try to get me with any guy. They know there's a whole group of cute guys wanting to get my attention but I never give them any. But the guys just don't interest me. Well except one. Just then I hear my phone get another notification. From: Jake.


"Hey Jake"

I waited a couple of minutes for a reply and realized I was left on open. He must have been with his boyfriend, those two could never keep their hands off each other.

My phone started buzzing with causing me to snap out my thoughts. I check my phone to see who it was from. It was from "Bae".

"Look I don't like you I was just using you I have a way prettier girlfriend and she's way better than you soo bye loser"

Ouch. I started laughing not caring or taking any of it personally. I bet he was guessing I was gonna cry or beg for him back.

"Haha I'm great we can agree on that!"
I got an immediate response from him.

"Wait what do you mean?????"

He was clearly confused. This just made me happier. I love it when people underestimate or classify me as something and I prove them wrong. It gives me the joy to show everyone how amazing, strong, and independent I am. At this point, I just ignore him and his messages and go to check the other snap. It was from The group chat with me and my friends. They were all texting about the camping trip and how they're gonna ask their parents. After reading some of their ideas I go to look at the last message I had which was from my Dad. He told me my mother and Maddie wanted some smoothies and asked me to go get some. Well looks like it's time for a smoothie. The smoothie place was right around the block from my house and the owner knew us as regulars. As I was walking into "KingofSmothies" as I like to call it I was looking down in my phone trying to figure out what to say to my parents. I kinda wanted to go on this trip-

"Shit" I bumped into someone and dropped my phone. Just my luck and I felt something wet on my arms and my shoes. Dammit, I split someone's drink. I need to apologize.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you I wasn't looking where I was going-"

"It's ok I wasn't looking where I was going either." said a really deep voice. It kinda reminded me of one guy I think, but I couldn't remember who.

As we were trying to clean up the mess I took notice of his appearance. He was tall, chocolate a mixture of light skin and dark skin, had piercings, was wearing a hoodie and some ripped jeans that now had a strawberry smoothie on them. And I think he had a tattoo. Maybe I don't know for sure. He was wearing his hood haft way up but I could still recognize that face anywhere.

It was him.

Victoria's ex

I think he noticed me and figured out we go to the same school because he quickly apologized again and left. I when to get the smoothies then go home. We hadn't ever gotten along but I did have to admit. He was different. I felt bad for him he never did anything wrong in the relationship.

On my way home I was really tired and it had only been an hour and a haft since school ended. We don't get homework and I finished everything in class so I was just going to relax. I decided I would ask my parents tomorrow as it was going to be Tuesday and my father would be home early. I texted my friends my plan and went to bed. But all I could think about was the trip and that weird interaction. I just decided to sleep on it I mean it's not that important, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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