Halloween special

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~Rachel P.O.V~

Me and Eddie were walking and talking. "I love you Rachel my beloved! Your so beautiful, oh! By the way, when's Halloween again?" Eddie said in excitement.

I looked over at him, than back at the ground. "Its...ah...October thirty-first." I responded in a deep voice.

Eddie tried to grab my hand, when I flinched he got scared too. "A-ah, sorry." I apologized, Eddie looking over at me.

"Rachel! RACHEL!" I looked over my shoulder to see Zack chasing us. Eddie started running faster. Than he teleported us to somewhere else. It was my floor.

"Sorry, he was getting in my way." Eddie said, in a annoyed voice. He got on top of my back so it was hard for me to move.

"What's the problem, Rachel Gardener?" Eddie said. "Rachel Gardener" Echoed in my head. 'He called me my real name...' I thought.

I froze. "Eddie?" I said in a shaky voice. "yes, my beloved?" He responded in a cutesy voice. I blushed but he didn't notice.

He got off my back and stared at my face. He got closer to my face making me blush more but he still didn't notice, I think.

"Rachel?" He asked wanting a response. "Ah...Sorry...why did you call me my real name?" I asked him, hoping he would answer truthfully.

"What do you mean? I called you Rachel." Eddie responded lying. He stared at my face than around the room.

He went over to the flowers and sat down near them.

Eddie staring at the flowers then said or I think he said, "Rachel, Why did you choose Him?" I had know clue if he was speaking correctly.

I grabbed my phone and instead of answering his question I asked, "Eddie wanna make a video?" I said and ignored the fact he was staring at me, waiting for a answer.

"No, I want you to answer my question." Eddie said, less of his voice started to sound happy, and it was changing to a sad voice. I couldn't answer. I don't want to make him cry.

"HEY. BLONDEY. IS THAT LITTLE BRAT ANNOYING YOU?!" Someone at the door of the elevator yelled. It was Zack. "Oh, Come on!! You ruin everything! Rachel my beloved, wanna go somewhere else?" Eddie said annoyed of Zack's existence.

(HAHAA NEXT DAY- Sorry I'm watching Angels of Death while writing- anyway on Halloween)

~Eddie P.O.V~

Me and Rachel were talking on what we are being. We agreed on matching outfits.

I would be a Devil and she'd be a angel. We got our costumes and I looked to see that I wouldn't be able to wear my mask.

"Rachel do I have to wear the horns? I can't wear my mask." I said hoping she would allow me to. "Sorry Eddie, but you have to, I'll make sure no one sees you're face." Rachel said to me looking at the horns.

~After they put on the costumes- HAHAHAAAAA DR. DANNY GET KILLED BY GRAY~

I stared at Rachel.

She was wearing a white dress with golden ruffles and golden roses on the skirt of the dress, with a headband with a halo being held by wire, and while angel wings made with feathers, and the wings were quite big.

Rachel messed my hair up and I was blushing, she probably could see. "Eddie, you look so cute in the outfit." Rachel said in a soft voice.

She called me cute!

"Ah, we better get going" Rachel said, in the same soft voice.

We went to Grandpa Grays floor and waited for the others.

~3rd person NO CATHY LET EDDIE DO~

Everyone was there talking, screaming, and dancing. Eddie hid behind Rachels wings.

He didn't want Rachel to not get up so his face wasn't revealed to the others. Rachel knew he was behind her, she could feel him behind her.

"Rachel! Come here!" Cathy yelled. Eddie nudged Rachels wing so she knew he was still there.

"Why can't you come over here?" Rachel said. "Uh ok if you insist." Cathy said a bit confused.

Cathy walked over to Rachel with Dr. Danny was behind her following. "By the way where's Eddie?" Cathy asked looking around for a second.

"... He's behind me." Rachel answered.
"Oh, I thought that was a child you were going to kidnap." Cathy replied.

"What? Why would I be kidnapping a child?" Rachel said confused on why Cathy thought this.

"It made more sense in my head." Cathy sighed.

Eddies ahoge poked up between Rachels wing and the chair. "Oh Eddie! Show us your face we promise we won't take a phot-" "No" Eddie said interrupting Cathy.

Eddie reached his hands up and held the top of his head so his ahoge couldn't be seen anymore.

"Well, maybe someday I'll get a picture to show everyone." Cathy sighed while disappointed.

"No you won't!" Eddie shouted annoyed at Cathy's attempts at exposing his face to the world.

"Come on Cathy, just give up nothing you do will work." Rachel said.

Cathy had tried many times before to try and see Eddie's face, it seemed as if it was a game to her and she was determined to win it.(BAHAAAA SCRATHES WTF-----~Transy)

"Cathy, if you I find trying to get Eddie to show his face, as a game, he will keep disagreeing." Rachel said with a bit of a tone.

Rachel grabbed her wing that Eddie wasn't behind and moved it to where Eddies hair would pop out on the other side. "G-GAH! RACHEL!" Eddie said surprised she was trying to show everyone he didn't have his mask on.

"Oh! Eddie! You have ginger hair?! I thought it was brown or black! GUYS EDDIES BEHIND RACHEL AND HE DOESN'T HAVE HI-" "SHUT UP F#CKING WH0R3! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DRESSED LIKE A F#CKING STR1PP3R NOW LEAVE ME AND RACHEL ALONE!!!!!" Eddie whisper screamed which also interrupted Cathy.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HAS A THING FOR DEAD BODIES!" Zack screamed at Eddie and everyone looked at him.

"NOW YOU'RE GETTING NASTY!" Eddie screamed back at him. "THATS WHAT YOU'RE MOM SAID WHEN YOU WERE BORN!" Zack screamed back at Eddie. "JUST SHUT UP YOU B!TCH." Eddie screamed at Zack and everyone stared at Rachel.

Silence filled the room. "THOU SHALL BE QUEIT." Gray yelled so everyone faced him. "Thank thou, but thou all is a victim thy must punish, Edward Mason, Catharine Ward, Daniel Dickeness, Isaac Foster, Rachel Gardener, thy certain person must be punished." Gray said in a voice that sounded like he was about to burst into laughter.

Everyone looked around for the people who were called, but Rachel and Eddie were gone. "Guys! The lights!" Someone shouted, pointing out the lights were flickering. Everyone started running and screaming. This is something that happens every halloween. One person in the room, would die. Before anyone noticed, they would hide the body.

Someone died. Everyone heard screaming, but the body was hidden and everyone left. "Ray-chuuuuuu....i'm tiredddddd!" Eddie complained to Rachel. "Well were on my floor so you can go change into your pajamas and go to your floor." Rachel respond in her normal sad voice. Eddie took of the devil horns, and the devil tail and put on his mask. "No! I wanna go to bed when you go to bed!!!" Eddie said, trying not to sound tired.

(FINALLY WERE DONE WITH THIS AAAAA! Anyway don't judge me, I wrote most of this while Scratches did nothing!~Transy)

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