New collar

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     "This is becoming a problem." Odin said across the great table. "Fenris is getting too large to stay in the castle."

     "We keep Thor." Loki interjected.

     "... Thor," Odin said through clenched teeth. "Is non-negotiable."

     "Speaking of Thor... He's only getting this big because Thor keeps feeding him his goats." Frigg noted.

"HE IS A GOOD BOY AND HE DESERVES IT!" Thor slammed his fists down onto the table, cracking it... again.

"A good boy as he may be," I added, "that doesn't mean you need to feed him your extra fatty goats. He needs protein. Not couch potatoes."

"Aesir." The Allfather cut off the rest of our laughter. We need to come up with a solution."

The table was silent.

"The Dwarves know of a way." Heimdall spoke.

The Dwarves. They are notoriously known for being expert craftsmen, being short, and being incredibly stingy.

     "I... Need to excuse myself." I stood up.

     "We aren't going to slay him, Tyr." He looked at me with his blazing orange eyes. "They are simply experimenting with bindings—" Loki snickered. "*Ahem* The Dwarves are crafting newer and better ways to capture and contain powerful creatures." Heimdall corrected himself.

     "...Still. Fenris is like a son to me," I tried to tell things better left unspoken to Loki with just a glance.  "I need to get myself in the mindset that we are going to put him away... indefinitely."

     The walk back to my room was silent. No guard dared speak up on the matter, dispite how fast the word had spread.

"Hey, I'm—" Fenris, who after 10 long years was now larger than I, tackled me. "Well, hello sweetness." I was met with a barrage of very affectionate licks, a wolf's way of greeting a loved one.

"Heya, Tyr! What's the plan for today?!" Fenris jumped around excitedly.

"I was just thinking... Think fast!" I threw a nearby tire to the other side of my chamber. He ran at it like it was the most important thing he had ever known.

I truly love this wolf.



We walked down the dank streets of Nidavallier. Tyr held my leash in his right hand. Dwarves turned to look at us as we passed.

I've traveled on the Bifrost before, but this time felt really important.

We stopped outside of a pet store, while our friend Skirnir waited beside us. Tyr pulled out a really long measuring tape and wrapped it loosely around my neck.

"What're we doing, Tyr?" He hesitated for a second.

"We're getting you a new collar... I just need some measurements." My tail started to wag.

     "Woah... Really? Dwarves make the best stuff! I'm so excited! Thank you Tyr!" Skirnir tapped his foot as Tyr looked over to the side.

     "... No problem, sweetness." Tyr whispered something over to Skirnir. Skirnir nodded and started to run over to another Dwarf craft-store. (That's not what they're called, but that's what I like to call them.)

     It's time to get me a new collar.

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