1: Astrid

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SOTC: Lie by NF


"Two scoop of chocolate and one scoop of Oreo with extra chocolate toppings and sprinkles for the lady" Zeke's said in a robotic manner as he hands me my ice cream

"Thank you my good man" I replied in a mock British accent

"You know according to culture you are supposed to kiss his cheek in gratitude" Lijah said as he licks his plain vanilla flavour

"In which culture exactly??" I asked as I scrunched my nose up both in confusion and disgust, confusion being I have no idea what he is saying and disgust being his ice cream, I mean come on, plain ice cream why would you want to have that it's so plain and boring

"I have no idea ask Zeke he's supposed to be the smart one" he replied

" why do I have to answer.. you brought it up" Zeke whinned like a 5year old boy

"Will you quit whining like a five year old child and just answer her question" Lijah scolded trying to sound mature in a very immature way that is

"Oh you mean the same question that was thrown at you and supposed to be answered by you" he retorted

"Ain't nobody wrote my name on some on the question dimwit" this is getting confusing

"Why you little...

"Guys stop it you're giving me a headache" I told them and normally I would just let them play it out until it turns into a fist fight and trust me it will but I'm really having a headache, it's a wonder how they can pick a fight out of anything

I touched my head with one had as I continued to lick my ice cream - what!  ain't no headache that could possibly separate me from my food ( especially ice cream)

"Are you ok??" They both said simultaneously it's this thing they always do twin telepathy or some shit like that and it freaks me the hell out sometimes while other times it's cute like now it's cute

"No this is not how I actually planned on spending my last day of the long ass holiday I kinda missed my friends" I told them referring to my pranking tools

"What are we??" Lijah exclaimed like he is acting some sort of Shakespeare play

"You know what I mean guys" I said in a duh tone

"Oh right we do" Lijah mused while I rolled my eyes at his childishness

"Lijah" Zeke started oh oh he had that look on his face

"Yes dear brother why do you have that look on your face" see he has the look

"Earlier you raced me to get Astrid ice cream" well I know that

"A race which I beat you to" Lijah said as matter of factly

"Which brings me to wonder why you weren't the one who bought the ice cream infact when I got there you were no were to be found" and realization dawned on me as I have the same look Zeke had on his face right now

"And I even returned before you how confusing" he finished

"Dear Lijah please do tell me where you have been because I have a feeling your plain vanilla ice cream has something to do with it" I added

"You see erm..." He was a stuttering mess and I know it's not a big deal but seeing him all riled up like this is actually fun that and he really does have something to hide

But as if the universe is on lijah's side my phone chimed I mean all three of our phones chimed

I removed my phone from my pocket and checked what it was

"It's an invitation apparently Julie is having some kind of welcome back to school bonfire so we had to be there

"It's at 7"

"It's currently 4 don't you think we should go get ready" Lijah said somewhat unsurely

"Yes by all means let's go and show Shambell High that the dynamic trio are back baby" I stated


Hey yo!! What's Poppin. New story you know the drill like support and comment let's keep this party moving.

QOTD: what's your favorite colour
Mine: yellow

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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