Harry's sacrifice [Part 1]

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Harry took one glance back at the entrance of the Great Hall, where people were kneeling beside the dead and comforting another, but he could not see Hermione, Ron, Ginny, the other Weasleys, or Luna. To make absolutely sure that Nagini was killed, he spoke to Neville, saying that just in case Neville got the chance, he must kill the snake. Now, like Dumbledore, Harry made sure that there were backups to carry on when he was dead, and that there would still be three people in on the Horcrux secret. Neville would take Harry's place.

Harry swung the Cloak over himself and continued walking, but he stopped when he saw Ginny comforting a who was whispering for her mother. Harry wanted to shout out to Ginny, but he passed Ginny kneeling beside the injured girl without speaking. As he saw looming out of the darkness, dark and empty, he emotionally remembered all his trips there, particularly the rock cakes, Ron , and . When he reached the edge of the forest, he felt the chill of a swarm of . He had no strength left for a Patronus. He felt like he could not go on, but he knew that he must, the game was over, the had been caught. At this, he pulled out of the Snitch he had inherited from Dumbledore, the first Snitch he had ever caught, and understanding was coming to him quickly.

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