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"Anna, come with me for a swim. It's such a beautiful day to waste," Olivia said as she packed her pool bag.

Kasane was quiet. It was not too far from what she imagined. But she was not prepared for how beautiful the landscape was with all the greenery and the wild life roaming around.

Anna had suggested they leave early and drive there the two of them so that her friend could see the beauty of that place and experience the magic of wildlife, while her team flew on two days later. Encountering animals in the wild was so much better than seeing them in zoos. You can't see their true beauty and magnificence and how they belong in the wild. And as if the animals knew that was Olivia's first time traveling that road, they came out to the road. Even Anna said she had never seen so many of them before on her drives up north.

They came across a dozen small herds of elephants along the road and they just took Olivia's breath away! They were so big, majestic and calm. She knew they could be dangerous and the first few they encountered made her nervous. She had heard stories of people being attacked by wild animals and those stories came rushing to her mind, making that possibility a reality in her life. She started to relax when she realized they posed no threat to them as long as they also posed no threat and respected the animals.  The elephants seemed to sense this. At some point they found a few elephants crossing the road. They had stopped the car at a distance and waited until they had cleared the road and had almost disappeared into the trees. It's was exhilarating! She wanted more!

They also came across a family of stunning giraffes. They were so tall with their long legs and long necks. And somehow they were graceful and elegant and calm. It was such a sight to behold! Having seen these animals on National Geographic had done nothing to prepare her for seeing them live in person and in their natural habitat.

Today was Sunday and Anna would be full time back at work for the whole week the following day. And she would not have time to babysit Olivia. So Olivia planned to take full advantage of this day.

"I think we can do brunch by the pool while I finish this presentation for tomorrow. After that, I am all yours for the day my friend." Anna announced as she packed away her laptop. Olivia smiled.

The two women made their way arm in arm, to the hotel thatched gazebo overlooking the pool. They made comments as they passed a few men that appeared to be tourists.

"Ohhhhh Oli, that guy was hot. Did you see how he looked at you? Maybe you bump into him later. Anna nudged Olivia with her elbow and gave her a wink.

"Anna, seriously! We have been here all but two days and you are all ready to give me away to anyone that so much as looks in my direction. I am surprised you haven't lined them up already."

Anna laughed and said "only because I love you and want you to be happy my friend. It's time."

They were shown to an empty table and Anna was relieved to put her heavy laptop bag on the chair next to her. She took the brunch menu from the waiter and ordered a fruit juice.

"I think we should get a charcuterie board Oli, since we are going to be here for a while."

Oli nodded at both Anna and the waiter, then asked for an orange and mango juice blend. She knew the combination was just what this setting needed. The orange juice was a little light and mango thick, when combined, they would be just the right refreshment. The waiter nodded and left the two women.

Anna took out her laptop and started typing while making small talk so as not to bore Oli with the clicking sound from typing.

Something caught Olivia's eye out  on the river.  The gazebo had a deck extension that lead to a pool with beautiful clear blue water.  To the far right of the  deck was a jetty that lead to a speed boat that was tied to a pole with a thick rope. The Chobe river that she had grown up reading about and being taught about was literally a few steps away from her. She squinted to try and have a better look and then she saw what it was. A floating boat restaurant out on the river. There were tourists on it and they seemed to be having such a good time Olivia found herself planning to also have that experience.

When the waiter arrived with the drinks Olivia made sure to ask who was running the floating boat restaurant.  He wrote the name on his note pad and their contact details then gave it to Olivia. She was noticeably excited. 

The food arrived and they started to eat. Anna was done with her presentation and delighted about it.

"When are you planning to go on the floating restaurant?" Anna asked in between a bite of her croissant filled with cheese and fig preserve.

"I think tomorrow while you are at work," replied Olivia.

After eating and chatting for a while, the two friends jumped in the cool pool water. It was a great relief from the heat that had been building up all morning. There were a few families in the pool as well as an Italian speaking young couple. Seemed the pool was the perfect escape from the heat.

From the edge of the pool, Olivia could see animals grazing in the distance under the blue skies. It was a beautiful scene. Everything about it was serene and she found it comforting. I can get used to this, she thought to herself as she swam towards Anna. She was glad her friend talked her into coming.

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