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"Oli, wake up. It's time." Anna gently shook Olivia  to wake her up. Olivia had booked a sunrise game drive with one of the local safari tour companies. She was told that's the best time to see the animals in the game reserve, the biggest game reserve in the country. She was super excited because what she had experienced on the way to Kasane had left her wanting more.

She got up and took a hurried shower not wanting to be late or cause other tourists to be late too. 

She threw on some khakhi cargo pants, a white vest, a light green cardigan and a pair of military style beige boots. Her hair had already been braided before coming to Kasane so that saved her time in front of the mirror. She still stood in front of the mirror to make sure she looked decent enough to interact with other human beings. Being satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her backpack and camera bag before saying bye to Anna and heading out the door.

The safari cruiser arrived just as she reached the waiting area off the front entrance of the lodge. She saw the three sets of couples she had been told were also booked for the sunrise game drive. Two elderly couples and a younger couple,probably in their early thirties. She greeted them with a smile and hopped in the front seat next to their tour guide Kenneth, who insisted on being called KK. The open cruiser drove off in the direction of the game reserve entrance with the sun just beginning to peep through the horizon behind them.

As they drove towards the game reserve, KK shared with them animated stories of human-wildlife interactions in the area. She found herself hanging on every word. One of the elderly couples asked questions about the safety of villagers living in close proximity to the animals. They spoke with a British accent and seemed to finish each other's sentences when they spoke. Olivia felt a twinge of envy, wishing she would also find someone to share
her life with till old age like these couples.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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