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Eight years ago...

Taehyun walk towards the bench behind the third year building, he's holding his tray with apple and soya milk on it. He found it delicious to combine and you can't stop him.

Even his schoolmates doesn't stop him, everyone is scared of him, they thought Taehyun is cold, and they don't want to bother him because no one likes to cause a trouble.

Behind Taehyun's intimidiating face, the boy is shy and gentle, he's different inside, he can't understand why they are afraid of him.

"Eum, maybe I can take this seat..." he mumbled and slowly sat himself on the bench he found near at the trashcan. The smell...ugh trashcan smells so awfully disgusting, but what could he do? Cafeteria seats are reserved and this is the only place he knew where he can spend his time alone.

He stared at his lunch for a minute before he got interrupted, "hey! Give me that!" he yelled when someone stole his apple.

"Come on, that's the only fruit I have" he uttered, the boy who stole his apple sit beside him and bites at the fruit.

"I know, here" he handed Taehyun a lunch box, "My mom made me this, but I'm not hungry, and I noticed you going here. Are you even comfortable sitting beside a trashcan?" Taehyun feel embarrassed.

"N-no, it's just a coincidenc-"

"Ahh yes! Coincidence, the trashcan happens to be staying here with you" Taehyun glared at the male.

"Who tf even are you?"  he asked while unsealing the soy milk.

The blonde male chuckled and reach his hand out, "i'm milk" he joked.

"Just kidding, guess my name based on how I look" He said, Taehyun took a small sip before replying him.




"Ugh, I'm rose" he joked again, but this time Taehyun glared at him making him stop at giggling.

"Fine! I'm beomgyu! Choi Beomgyu! Not Beomglue or Beomgay, Beom-Gyu, understand?" Taehyun ignored him and drank his soy milk.

"Eum" he pouted, "you're not even listening" he crosses his arm and look down. sulking.

Taehyun stopped drinking the milk and looks at the sulking boy while savouring the milk on his tongue.

Beomgyu looked at him and noticed how the male lick his lips in front of him. He thinks Taehyun is doing that on purpose. "Hey! Pervert! Why did you lick your lips in front of me?!" he shouted.

Taehyun raised his eyebrows and wipes the side of his lips with his thumb, he licked his thumb as he look at Beomgyu making the male even more flustered.

"Yah! We're still eighteen don't be dirty minded" Taehyun said and shook his head.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and grab the bottle from Taehyun's hand, he opened the lid and wipes the tip first to avoid direct kissing before drinking the milk.

EIGHTEEN: K.th x C.bg✔️Where stories live. Discover now