Y/n Getting to Fetty Farbar restraon

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Y/n wakes up to mother screaming at them telling them "if you don't get your ass up you will get a beating harder than the last one you lazy fuck"  y/n reasponds to mother " okay momtger I'm getting up goshd " y/n gets up an walks to the bathroom and takes a shower and after getting changed they walk down the stairs where mother is standing there waiting on them momtger yells at y/n "let's go you have to get to your first day of work on time, god you take forever in the bathroom! LETS GOOOOO LAGGY ASSHOLE" y/n walks past momther angerly
they both get into the car and Monterey starts the car and starts heading towards Fetty Fatbar's restraon and y/n is very excited then momtger finally pulls into the parking lot and y/n can't wait to see the inside of the restaurant as soon as the car unlocks y/n jumps out and just stares at TGE beautiful sigh above the reatron with the words "Fetty Farbar and friends" to be contended....

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