The Pizza Place

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Y/n walks in and starts walking towards their manager Y/n yells " hey manager!! When are you putting me to work?" The manager replies " well hello there Y/n Im Charlie! For the first half of your shift you're gonna need to watch some video's so your familiar with the rules and after that I'll get you ready to handle the Showstoppers!! Sound good?" Y/n excitedly yelled " Yupp sounds good!!!".

Charlie showed Y/n the back room where they would watch all the introduction videos, after 3 hours Y/n had finished all the videos and was ready to take care of the gang of singing animatronics and when Y/n walked to the back stage Bonnie was ready to get nice and squeaky clean also Charlie had set up all the tools and cleaning supplies like he said he would. After an hour of cleaning Bonnie next was Chica luckly she was the easiest to clean, Now foxy was the hardest to clean but after 2 hours of cleaning he was done, now Freddy Y/n was super scared to clean him for some reason there was just something off about him.

As soon as Y/n started to clean Freddy he started moving, Y/n slowly started to back up into the wall as Freddy Got off the table and started walking towards Y/n. Freddy and Y/n were face to face then Freddy put his hand on the wall and as soon as Y/n tried to escape he put his other hand on the wall, Y/n was now trapped and they started to freak out. Freddy started to lean in for a kiss but Y/n slipped under his arms and ran out of the backroom. Y/n quickly locks up the pizza place and runs home as fast as they can. To be continued...

( idk why I'm writing this 😩)

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