Chapter 3 : Breathtakingly Skrewed

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_Two months ago_

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_Two months ago_

"Morning beautiful" he says still half asleep, tightening his grip on my waist he's arms so happen to be snaked around, he pulls me closer to his chest. His voice has become my favorite sound. His kisses like a welcome mat of a warm and cosy home. I snuggle into the crook of his neck, I take a deep breath through my nose, smelling his intoxicating aroma, a muscular sent mixed with vanilla and peach extract. Home. I sigh a bit dazed, lost in mesmerizing his every feature. I unconsciously smile before he's voice brought me back to reality.

" Did you just smell me" he said with a playful tone,  trying to hide his signiture smirk.
" N-no?" I said unsure whether that was an answer or a question. Blood rushing to my face, embarrassing myself even further by blushing I bury my face deep into chest, which is surprising soft despite his muscular build
His chest starts moving up and down, a roaring laughter escape his swollen lips, showing me his dazzling white teeth, his chuckle never-ending and contagious that I can't help but laugh along. I playfully slap his arm, faking a pout.
I couldn't help but feel happy as I am graced with the sight of him laughing. Dare I say he looks almost 'happy'?.

A heavenly sight, but a sin to behold. His disheveled hair that I've had the temptation of running my hand through a million times. I wonder what shampoo he uses? God Amani, you sound like a fucken creep. Dang it I cursed again. I sigh in frustration. He seems to notice this and cups my chin with his hand, he brings it up so I'm staring at him, his brows are furrowed in.... What I assume is concern?

He abruptly get up and grabs his sweatpants, this instantly gets my attention. I sit up, with my back against the headboard, looking at him with fear of him leaving. Did I really look that bad? I unconsciously run my hand through my hair in attempt to tame my wild hurls, failing miserably. I cover my self with last night's sheets, as my insecurities start to take over. Did he finally realize that I'm not good enough?  Was just another one of his ' one minute' whores? Did he change his mind about our ' arrangement'?. Didn't he feel what I feel?

"You need to go" he says, breaking me out train of thought, if you Wanna call it that. And just like that he went into the bathroom. I heard the shower start and I took that as my cue to leave.

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