the end...?

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Louie was questioning if this was real , there was no blood or walls closing in , but it wasn't quite right .

Suddenly louie starts having a migraine , his head hurt . Bad .
All he could see was a bunch of blue and purple lightning bolts . Then everything went dark .

Louie started having the memory ,the room with the hands and feet , the dark monsters . They ripped louie apart , blood everywhere . Then they put louie back together , like nothing happened , then he appeared at the mansion , his brothers welcomed him in . they had missed him so much....

Pictures of louie murdering huey flashed in his mind .


two red eyes appeared , and then a duck stepped out of the abyss , luis .

Luis was covered in blood , head to toe , drenched .

"You know who's blood this is?" Luis asked threateningly .

"You fucking ruined my life ... FOR WHAT ?! W-why?!"
Louie was half crying half screaming .

"......the.."luis stopped.

"Twisted one"

Louie then woke up . With a note beside him , and some wilted flowers , with a deflated get well balloon .

He picked up the note and read

Dear , louie I dont know if you are reading this , or ever will for that fact , but i know Luis is gone. We...took care of him with some help from some cool alien dudes . Get well soon rebel .
- della.


To be continued in : book 2 : enternal darkness

[OLD]the creation of evil louie duckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora