Arriving in England

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It took a few weeks arrive in England but I finally arrived, the moment I stepped onto English soil I felt like the Gods had put something in shore for me here that would change my life, perhaps I will find something that belonged to Isabella that she cherished so I will be able to keep something with me since everything that belonged to Isabella in Norway burnet with her and her house 6 years ago. After a few days of raiding in serval different villages and fighting serval small arms that tried to stop us, we were resting, as I lay on my back with both my arms behind my head with my eyes closed, it was broad daylight, I heard something coming our way along the road that where we set up camp, sitting up I saw it was a carriage pulled by 4 white, brown and black horses. Holding up my hand for the men to stop when I saw they were going to attack the carriage, just by the our camp the carriage stopped, from the thickness of the trees around our camp that separate us from the carriage is too thick for anyone on that side to see through, watching closely I felt strangely drawn to whoever is inside this carriage, this must be what the Gods wanted me to find in sending me to England.

Watching the carriage door open, I nearly fell to my knees when I saw who got out, it was Isabella? But-but is she here? Isabella is alive! My Isabella is alive! I did fall to my knees when I saw 2 children get helped out of the carriage, they looked alike, they looked like Isabella but they had brown eyes like mine, they looked exactly like the children I saw when I left Norway and Isabella and them were all wearing pure white, I was close enough to hear them, "mother I am curious, what was your time in Norway like, I wish I could go to Norway some day, it seems like such an interesting culture, if I could write a book about it I think I would call it Isabella adventure north, after you mother."

Isabella smiled, "your are such a good devoted boy, I truly wish your father was here to watch you grow up into such a young, handsome, intelligent man, before I know it you'll be the most famous heartbreaker in England but I am sure one day you will find a good, kind beautiful woman that will put you in your place when you get to full of yourself, she will love and support you and most importantly she will keep you on your toes." Isabella winked at him, "was that what you and father were like?" Isabella suddenly looked sad, "yes it was, your father was very cocky and I often had to bring him down to reality but he was a sweet, kind man and I know I will never marry again, I couldn't possibly find another man like that the whole world that loved me so much as him, I'm just glad you both have his eyes so I am still able to see him in the both of you."

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