Where my story ends

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My name is Isabella Wallace, my name means consecrated or pledged to God, it's origins are Italian and Spanish, I always did pride myself on being a good, developed woman and mother, all my life I have been searching for something, before I met Ragnar I was searching for a purpose in life, when Ragnar took me away to Norway, I was searching for a home and I thought it was England since that was where I was born. When I had Eve and Arthur I was searching for a solution to help make up for not having their father in their lives, when Ragnar found us and brought us back to Norway I hated him for a while, I was searching for my place back in Ragnar life now that I knew he would never let go again especially now he has his children in his life, without realising it I seemed to fall in love with Ragnar again and became a happy family. When I realised how happy we all were together I realised what it truly was that I was looking for all my life, I was searching for my happy ending, a home, a loving husband and beautiful children that I would cherish for the rest of my life, I finally found what I was searching for and now I'm happy, the only thing that brought it down was the fact that I couldn't stay.

When I was 26 years old when I fell ill, sadly I wasn't able to get better, after a month of being sick and slowly fading away as I laid in my bed, Ragnar wasn't there when I died, he left for the summer raids before I fell ill and by the time he returned I was already gone, in my final moments as I took my final breathes, I held Eve and Arthur in my arms, I silently spoke a prey, that God would reserve my soul with open arms. And I preyed he would watch over my children and guide them where ever they need to go in their lives, when Ragnar returned and found out what happened to me, he brought my body, Eve and Arthur back to England, he placed my body in the care of my brother so I could be buried in England, Eve didn't want to go back to Norway so Ragnar let Eve stay in England as my brothers ward. Ragnar didn't want to separate Eve and Arthur so he left Arthur there too, it wasn't easy but he knew they needed to stay together, Ragnar promised that one day he would return for Arthur, that's exactly what he did when they were grown up, Ragnar was there at Eve wedding and wish her and her husband well, Ragnar cried when he looked at Eve because she looked exactly like me. He kissed his daughter head and said goodbye, a year after Ragnar took Arthur back to Norway, Ragnar died in battle, Arthur returned back to England feeling like it would bring him closer to me, he promised he would visit Norway since that was where I died, where his parents fell in love and where his father was born, when Arthur returned it was in time for the birth of his nephew, that day Arthur met someone very special. Arthur met his future wife, 10 years later Eve had 2 sons and 3 daughters and Arthur had 5 daughters, as I watch my children grow up and go out into the world and have their own children, find their own happy ends, living their lives in a way that makes them happy and most important, always remembering who they are, British with a British, Christian mother with a Norwegian, Viking father because I'm the woman that got knocked up by a Viking.

With that knowledge I can let my soul move on from this world, I already know Ragnar soul has moved on, he has gone to Valhalla where as for me, I'm going to heaven, even in death I always struggled to let go but know that I see my children grow up with lives of their own and happy, I can now leave this world for the next without any regrets and my soul can now rest in peace for eternity in the care of the lord.

Thank you for reading this story, it is the first story on here I have ever actually finished, I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading it because I absolutely loved writing it, I hope you like, comment and vote since I put all my heart and soul into this piece of work, I hope you will also enjoy my other piece of work in you enjoyed this one then go check out the rest, till next time, farewell my friends, goodbye. 👋👋

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