hi- (tw)

231 6 2

so it's almost been a year since i opened this app, and i'm still getting votes on this story, so thank you so much:)

i think i should talk about where i've been.

so, my mental health has been absolutely horrible, i've not had motivation to do anything, since august ive barely been in school, i've started smoking a lot which isn't okay but my whole family know so i'm safe whilst doing it, i'm currently on suicide watch,  i've lost all my friends and i'm not doing great currently.

recently i spoke up about being sexually assulted by a close person to the family whomst is now not allowed contact with anyone under our family roof. i was kicked out and had to live with my gran for 2 and a half months. i hsve so many police workers and social workers in my life right now.

ive been going to therapy but that's not enough so as of tomorrow i might have 2 therapists along with a school counsellor for when and if i attend school.

all of this for someone my age is extremely stressful, i missed out so much school work, might possibly be moved down a year or even worse be kicked out, but school knows everyone involved and everything that's happened so i don't think that's gonna happen.

i might update this soon, or i might just write chapters to cure my boredom and stressful times.

although i've been bought a puppy, her name is luna and she turned 5 months yesterday, she's a small white maltese and she is so cute.

oh i've also changed my name to marsy and my pronouns are she/they.

tysm everyone <3

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