chapter 3

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I pick up my phone. 3am. Ugh why. Back to sleep. Before I put down my phone and rolled back over y/n texts me.


Hi aspen. Sorry I'm texting you so late but couldn't sleep ^^; soooo I wanted to see if you were awake, sorry if i like woke you up or like if you're asleep.


Ah yea hi, ima awake too. Randomly waking up in the middle of the night my belovedddd.




So what's keeping you awake?/gen


Oh um ykkkk stuff and things.


Is everything ok y/n? You can talk to me you know


It's fine, don't worry, just like wondering what it would be like if we weren't stuck down here...


Ah yea i get that. I would offer you a hug but yk i kinda can't...


I appreciate the sentiment :)


If you want we can call and I can distract you if you want.


I'd like that :>

After a few moments, I call y/n. It takes them a moment to pick up. "Hi y/n!" I stammer out, still tired." hi aspen" she replies "pfft you sound tired," I say/ y/n laughs and says "I can say the same for you!" "so, what you wanna talk about?" y/n asks. "I dunno.. Ummmmmmmmm OH! You know that game you were talking about? Wellllllllllll I got it! Haven't played it yet but I plan to!" y/n gasps and say "YOOOOOOOO YOU GOT F/G?!?!?! THAT'S SO COOL!!!!!""I KNOW RIGHT!!! IT LOOKS REALLY COOL I'M EXCITED TO PLAY IT!!" I reply. " OK BUT LIKE YOU HAVE TO LET ME PLAY IT WITH YA!! I CAN HELP YOU" y/n exclaims. I smile to myself and say "I'd like that" "ALSO LIKE I REALLY WANNA LIKE YOU KNOW TALK ABOUT F/G BUT I DON'T WANNA SPOIL ANYTHING FOR YOUUUUUU" I laughed and say "dork" "heyyyyyy who are you calling a dork sir! Ill have you know I prefer the term clod. Get it right" they reply "pffft I felt that eye roll from over here mx. "I say "good." they reply. After a moment of silence I say "so, how was your day?" "eh well it was so so, you know a normal day of living underground every single day of my life," they reply. "Ugh, I totally get that!! Like I just want to see what is up there. And like explore and shit, you know?" I shake my head, forgetting they couldn't see the action, and reply "yea I totally get that." "If you could get out, your know of your house, what would you do?" y/n asks "huh, well this is an odd question... sure I've thought of it but like no one ever asked me for it... um well, I guess I would go up to the surface, and I would see what I would and could do. I've heard of fields of flowers and lakes and rivers full of life. And I want to see it. I want to have the freedom to see whatever I want. To do whatever I want.'' I reply. "OH I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO RAMBLE LIKE THAT-" I scream out. y/n chuckles and then says "don't worry aspen, it's fine I understand ya with that, plus people rambling about what they are passionate about is cute!" I felt my cheeks become a little rosy with blush. Did y/n just call me cute?! I compose myself and then say "well if you say so-" I check the time again, 3;30 am "Oh shit- we have class in like 5 hours- we really should go to sleep...." "yeah... you're right.... I don't want to leave the call though... I'm having fun...." "well... um you don't have to, I mean we can have an on-call sleepover? If you are comfortable with that of course!! Ah sorry this sounds really weird." they say "no no it's ok its a good idea." and with that, me and y/n get ready for bed and just sleep on call together. 

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