Chapter 12

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I hesitate for a moment before approaching closer to the door. I give y/n a glance and they nod. We both put our hands on the handle, turn it and push. A cold breeze hits us as the door opens and we see a barren wilderness. The outside world before us was nothing like we'd ever seen, well we've seen it but only in pictures. I take a deep breath before stepping through the door, y/n following close behind. I hear them let out a small breathy laugh before they say "Woah.. We're finally out." "Yeah, I never thought this would ever happen," I replied. "So? Which way do you want to explore?" I ask y/n. They point towards the group of tall pointy looking trees.

Within the trees are the songs of birds and other animals. Me and y/n had idle conversations about how we had never really seen any animals aside from the odd house pet, but even then not most people had those anymore. They were just too expensive to take care of. After walking through the thick tangled mess of branches that was this first we came upon a grove. There was a small stream going through, along with some pinkish flowers blooming along the outskirts. y/n looked up to the sky which was slowly getting darker and asked "this looks like a good place to camp for the night to you?" I answer in a quick nod and we put the stuff down by a tree. I got down on my knees and started to open my bags. "I think i have a tent in here somewhere" i muttered going through my bags looking for supplies for the night. y/n crouches down next to me and says "here let me help" as they open one of my bags. After about 2 and a half minutes we found the tent at the bottom of my largest bag. I laugh to myself "heh- now if what i've heard from my mom is right then this next part is going to be very.... 'Fun'"

All of what mom said about putting up tents being fuck terrible was completely true. By the time me and y/n were done it was dark out. Y/n had made a fire cause i didn't know how to and well it was getting really dark. Me and y/n sat on the ground a ways away from the fire

. After a while I lay down, they did the same. I glanced over to them, they looked like they were in a trance looking up at the night sky. "I never thought the stars would be so pretty," they muttered. After a moment of silence I replied "me neither... i mean of course i've seen pictures of them but i never thought it would be this beautiful..." and it was true the stars were one of the most beautiful things i had ever seen. However, they weren't the thing I was starting at most, that was y/n. The way their face lit up when they found a consultation and then tranced it with their finger before they told me again and again how much they loved these balls of heat thousands of miles above us. They are the best thing about leaving that bunker. I'm so glad I can finally meet them in person. At that moment I wanted nothing more to reach over and hold the hand that was mere inches away from me.

authors note- fun fact, most if not all of this chapter was written in my math class 💀 also I've already written like 3 paragraphs of chapter 13 so that should be out pretty soon  unless my school work gets in the way <33

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