Chapter 5

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1 week later...

Mariah and Ponyboy have started dating and Darry is very cautious because he doesn't want Ponyboy getting her pregnant while they are so young. I had that talk with Mariah already. I have been spending more time with Sodapop and just the other night, he took me on a date for the first time. We went to the Drive-In but didn't even watch the movie. We just made out the whole time. I had fun though. After the movie, Sodapop and I went to The Dingo to eat.
I really am falling for this man. It takes a lot for me to fall for someone but he somehow succeeded and made me fall for him. I just wonder if we will start going out together. Sodapop is a fun person to be around and I am really glad he is in my life. Sodapop and I were on the roof of his house watching the stars and cuddling with each other as we kissed. Sodapop pulled away and then asked, "Jamie, will you be my girl?" I smiled and with excitement I replied, "Yes! Of course I will!"
He kissed me and then we made out for 1 hour and then we climbed off the roof and went into the house. Everyone was in the living room and Sodapop grabbed my hand and yelled, "It's official!" Everyone jumped up in excitement and hugged us. Mariah was so happy for us. Soon it got late so Mariah and I went home. I told my mom about Sodapop and she was happy that I finally have a boyfriend. She said that a girl my age should have one or at least be going on dates. She was super supportive. When I told my dad, he simply explained how babies are made and that I should be careful but I explained to him that me and Sodapop aren't like that and we only started dating today! He understood where I am coming from and he apologized. I was brushing my teeth before I went to bed and I looked into the mirror and just smiled thinking about Sodapop. It may be too soon to say this but I love him!

End of Chapter 5

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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