Chapter 23- Xiaowan

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But what were they going to do without any rulers? So many dragons would want the power, and that could end badly. They needed to appoint a new Queen then and there.

Xiaowan wondered what to do. Being the Queen was a big responsibility. Did they even have the power to appoint a queen? None of the current rulers had daughters or even sons - they had been too busy pursuing world domination. Xiaowan sighed and looked towards the orange sky, coloured by the rising sun. They had solved one problem, but possibly caused another.

As she looked off into the distance, a sweet, faint voice rang in her head.

"Xiaowaaan!" It whispered in a sing-song voice. "I am the Dawn."

The Dawn? The Dawn was talking to her?

Xiaowan stared in astonishment as she saw the red clouds in the sky begin to swirl and descend towards her. At this point, everyone else had stopped talking and rejoicing and stared as well. The clouds all gathered right in front of Xiaowan. She didn't step back. Soon the swirling stopped as the mist disappeared. There stood a flame-coloured cat.

"So glad to meet you, Xiaowan." The cat purred. "Like I said, I'm the Dawn, coming to you in cat form. I could be a dragon, but I like the body of a cat. Nimble and agile. You have summoned me, and whether it was an accident or not, I don't care."

Xiaowan began stuttering out words. "Wha- what are you here for?" She was surprised but excited.

"I'm going to appoint the new Queen." The cat said, shaking out her fluffy fur. She padded over to Sabina elegantly and put her paw on Sabina's talon.

"Congratulations, you are now the new queen."

"Wha?" Sabina seemed shocked, as she would be.

"Yeah, you're the perfect queen. No going against your destiny allowed."

With that, the cat leapt up into the air and disappeared into a big cloud. Xiaowan watched as it sailed higher, changing shape as it did. She was amazed when she saw it form the head of Sabina, wearing a crown. Xiaowan couldn't comprehend what had just happened, as she raised her eyebrows at the disappearing, disturbing picture of a decapitated Sabina.

"Well, now the whole world knows I'm the new Queen." Sabina said. "It's just that, that happened too quickly! I'm not sure I'm ready."

"Nonsense," Xiaowan said to her. "No going against your destiny allowed..." 

An Alternate Dimension: The Language of DawnWhere stories live. Discover now