Chapter Two︎// Chloe

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I woke up to the sound of my boxes being banged around on the floor. I leaned up on my pillows and rubbed my eyes. I saw my father grabbing my boxes. I looked at my phone...


" Dad, why are you getting my boxes so early, I thought we were going to do them later so I could help." I say while lightly laughing. He looked at me as he grabbed the biggest bag on the floor. "I'm only grabbing the big ones, trust me I'm not helping you when you get your stuff" he said as he waddled out the room. I was about to respond until he tripped up over my slides. I let out the loudest laugh as tears fell from eyes. "That's what you get!" I yelled playfully as he kept walking out the room. "Ha ha let's see who laughing when we getting them bags" he yelled back.

I smiled as I laid back down. I texted Chloe to see if she was up, I doubt it though cause it is pretty early. 


Me: u up babe?

A few seconds later...

Incoming call from Chloe✨🦋: Accept or Decline

I answered the phone and she was smiling in the camera. "Hey babeeee how are youuu" she said into the mic. " I'm doing goooddd, I just finished laughing at my father chileee. He came in here grabbing boxes and as he was leaving he tripped up over my shoes." We both looked into the camera at the same time and then busted out laughing.

"Girl yo daddy is hilarious" she said while laughing. I cringed at the fact that she said daddy. "Ugh please don't call him that" I said into the phone. "Oh my bad I forgot, yo "father" hilarious" she said while holding up quotation marks with her fingers. I playfully rolled my eyes at her as she got in her car.

"Where you going?" I asked nosily. "I'm going to IHOP cause a bitch is tired and hungry" "ouuuu I wanna go tooooo" I said. "Girl I'm not driving my ass all the way over there" she said. I put on a sad face. "Pleaseeee" I said while propping my phone up on my pillows. She looked into the camera with her "bitch you crazy face". "Bitch I'm hungry tooo" I said into the phone. "Fine I'll be over there in like 15 minutes" she said while rolling her eyes. I smiled and hung up the phone while blowing her kisses.

I rolled off the bed and went into the bathroom. I grabbed my speaker and my phone. I turned on the water and put on what a life- Jhene aiko (song at the top of the story). I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I heard a ding on the speaker, someone messaged me. I thought it was Chloe so I decided to check my phone after the shower. 15 minutes had passed and I got out of the shower. I disconnected my phone from my speaker and looked at my messages.

Maybe  Davon :How you been Nadia? I miss u
I rolled my eyes at the message. How'd this nigga get my number again?, I thought I blocked him. Davon is this boy I was "talking" to for awhile but he was really obsessive and disrespectful so I cut him off. We never even made it to the dating stage but he keeps saying that he thought our relationship was "Perfect" and that he didn't mean to call me "another ignorant black bitch". How do you accidentally call someone that, so I cut him off and blocked him.
I didn't respond to message but instead texted Chloe what happened and put my clothes on. I put on some bell bottom high waisted jeans, a brown crop top, and my white converse. My hair is curly and it comes to the top of my boobs. I slicked it into a pony tail in the back of my head and threw on some bracelets. I grabbed my jacket and left my room. 

My dad was the only one woke and he was vacuuming the living room. "Dad I'm going to get breakfast with Chloe" I yelled over the vacuum noise.He turned it off and unplugged it. "Ok baby, is Chloe driving?" He ask while crossing his arms. " yes" I say confused. "Lord please let them get there safely because god knows Chloe can't drive" he said with his hands in a praying position. I laughed as I walked toward the door. As I headed out  I heard my dad yell " remember your seat belt". I walked to Chloes car Laughing."Hey bitch, you look cute" Chloe said while unlocking the door. " thank you babe, so do you" I said while smiling.


"Bitchhh you lyinggggg" Chloe said while cutting her pancakes. " no I'm not, girl he texted me me. I'm serioussss. I sent you the screenshot  earlier." I said while drinking my sprite. "He really is one wilddd nigga like come onnn, he didn't even get to taste the cat and he was hookkeeeddd." She said while laughing causing me to laugh. A old lady looked over at us with that "look".  "Damn bitch you all in OUR buiness" Chloe said while rolling her eyes. Thankfully the lady didn't hear her.I smacked Chloes arm while dying from laughter in my seat.


We finished our food and was back in Chloes car. "We heading back to your house to get your stuff? I say to Chloe. She nods her head and starts the car. I could tell something was bothering her. "You ok babe?" I asked while turning down the music. "Yeah, It's just my mom has been a pain in my ass lately and I really don't feel like hearing her shit when I get back" she said while keeping her eyes on the road. " what she arguing about now?" I asked. "Honestly bitch your guess is better then mine". 

We continued talking as we drove to her home as we pulled up to her apartment and parked in the front. We walked in and her mother was sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked in and waved to her, she just looked over at me and then back at her tv. I don't feed into her drama for the sake of Chloe. I followed her to her room where the bags was in the corner of her room and on her bed. Chloe grabbed some bags and walked out the room. As I grabbed some bags I heard her mom talking to her. "Make sure you don't leave that room a mess cause I'm not cleaning up after yo dirty ass. And make sure you take all yo shit to cause stephon gonna be sleeping in that room." Chloe just kept walking out the door.

I followed her to the car and put the bags in the car and we headed back inside for the rest. " I know you heard me talking to you" she said as we came back in the apartment. "Don't act cute cause yo lil friend over here, cause you will get yo ass smacked and put out" she said to Chloe. "I'm not cleaning MY room for no dirty ass Stephon. He a grown ass man, he can sleep at his own house. Oh I forgot he's a broke bum so he doesn't have one!" Chloe said angrily as she walked back to her room. Stephon is her moms boyfriend. He's been in and out of here for the last couple months. "Hurry the fuck up and get yo shit! Stephon better do more around here then then yo dumbass. So hurry the fuck up out my house stupid bitch. I don't even know why I had yo stupid ass!." She yelled.

I helped Chloe get the rest of her stuff and we left out the house. "Fuck you!" Chloe yelled as she slammed the apartment door. We put the rest of the stuff in the trunk and then got inside the car. We sat in silence for awhile, letting everything sink in. I heard Chloelet out a huff before she let the tears fall down her face. "Hey, hey, hey babe it's ok" I said while rubbing her back. "No it's not" she cried. I wrapped my arms around her and continued rubbing her back. Her soft cries made my heart ache. A few warm tears rolled down my cheeks. " It's going to get better Babe, ok? I know it's hard but believe me it's going to get better". listen to She just nodded her head. She started up the car and we drove in silence back to my house.

Poor Chloe... she deserves the world and more. She deserves to be loved and to feel pretty because she definitely is THAT bitch. I wish she could see it. What kind of mother says that to her child.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hoped y'all liked this long chapterrrr😭💋💋... I will try to put a song at the beginning of each chapter from now on if I like the idea. ALSO poor Chloe I actually feel so bad for her because she's such a beautiful person and has such an amazing personality. I hope y'all love her just as much as I do. That's why I named this chapter  "Chloe"... Make sure you vote and comment and I'll see y'all at the end of the next chapterrrrr babessssss💋💋💋🥺🦋🦋🤍🦋🦋🤍🤍✨✨✨

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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