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chapter i

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chapter i.

( 7 years ago! )

"Liz!" Nova shouted down the hall, trying to catch her girlfriend's attention. She watched as she turned around, walking back in her direction.

"Hey Nov, what's up?" Liz asked, then noticing the evident tears in her girlfriend's eyes. "Hey, hey, what's the matter?" Her voice softened, eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"I need to talk to you in private, come on," Nova urged, wanting to get as far away from everyone else as possible. It felt like everyone was watching them, all whispering amongst themselves. Liz had no clue why, she couldn't help but feel anxious as she and her girlfriend approached an empty classroom.

As soon as the door closed behind them, all of Nova's composure went right out the window as she began bawling. "I— I can't even, oh my god, Liz it's so— so bad!" she hiccuped. The brunette pulled the girl into her chest, trying her best to calm her down before asking her exactly why she was so hysterical.

See, Liz and Nova were girlfriends and had been for almost a year and a half. But, no one knew. No one except for them— well, and Nova's brother and his boyfriend. People weren't very... accepting at their school. There was one out gay couple that they knew of, and they got terrorized every single day until both of them had to transfer schools. That was the main reason the girls kept their relationship a secret.

"Love, I don't know what's wrong, but I'm gonna need you to calm down, so you can tell me, okay?" Liz cooed, pulling away and cupping Nova's face. She wiped her tears as she sniffled and hiccuped. They locked eyes for a moment, "there's my pretty girl. Okay, what happened? What's got you so upset?"

     Liz was no where near prepared for what she had to say. "Someone outed us."

     "What..?" Was all she could only mutter out just barely above a whisper. She could feel her heart beginning to pound against her chest as her stomach sank. Her whole world was coming to a screeching halt, every negative physical feeling a person could feel, she felt faster than she could blink. "How?"

     Nova shrugged, "I don't know. But, somehow someone found out and told everyone!" She exclaimed. "What are we going to do?"

     Liz thought long and hard about how to answer that question. There was a couple different options.
1. Go along with it and try to ignore everyone else regardless of the homophobia thrown their way.
2. Pretend like it's all a lie and continue on acting like they were both straight
Or 3. Break up and pretend they never happened and everyone's crazy for thinking there was anything between them.

     She knew she didn't want that last one, of course not. Honestly, all the options weren't the best. There was some major setback to each of them, but it was the only choices they had. She wanted more than anything to be out and proud and to be able to show off her girlfriend, but then she thought about her parents. What if her mom found out? What if her dad found out? Liz knew she would be kicked out faster than she could say peanut butter. She had to keep them in the dark at least until she turned 18, then she could be out and proud.

     "Should we break up?" Nova asked. She didn't want to by any means, not at all. She just needed to know how Liz felt about it.

     Liz's eyes widened for a half a second, "No! Of course not," she began, thinking one more time on what to say next. "How about, we just, go with it? We don't deny it, we don't confirm it either. I want to be with you, Nova. I love you, you're it for me. And I don't want to lose you over this."

     Nova sighed in relief, "I love you too, let's do this."

     The girls walked out of the classroom, and for a moment, Liz felt confident.

     "Look, it's Liz and Nova. " For a moment, Liz wasn't worried.

     "Didn't you hear, they're lesbians!" For a moment, the anxiety wasn't eating her whole.

     "I think they're dating." For a moment, Liz had everything together.

     "What fucking faggots," and in a moment, all of that had quickly been shattered.

     "No I'm not," she exclaimed. She didn't even think before she spoke as fear took over her body and brain. "I'm not a lesbian." She looked at Nova, who looked confused, a little hurt. "I'm straight." With that, she walked away, not looking back. From then on, she dodged Nova in the halls, switched out of their shared classes, and avoided her at all costs. From then on, Elizabeth Gillies and Nova Kimberly were nothing but strangers.

okay i can't tell if i like this or not but im just gonna role with it.
hey guys! welcome to my new fic.

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