Chapter 1: You can't run anymore

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"Ugh, shit. Not again," Mallory carefully leaned down to pick up her notebook. She was already late as it was. Why in the Gods names was she in the library? She knew she

As soon as she picked up her notebook, she started walking to her next class which was at the end of the hall. All of a sudden, she felt someone's presence approach her.

"Late again, huh, Mal?" Shawn, a boy in her class and one of her closest friends, said as they made their way to their geometry class.

"Guess I could say the same to you, Shawn," 

"Touché," Luckily in about a minute the two of them made it to class where they entered in a rush, making everyone look at them as they made their way to their seats.

"Late again, Mr. Foreman and Ms. Ashford?" Their teacher, Mrs. Hart, scolded. "I should give you extra homework"

"In my defense, I was helping my last-period teacher," Shawn said while taking his seat.

"What about you, Mal?" The teacher asked.

"I was in the library checking out a book." The red-haired girl pointed toward the book that she had on top of her binder. It wasn't completely a lie, she was in the library, but not exactly checking out a book.

The teacher nodded before returning to her lesson while the two students sat down. Shawn sat next to one of his close friends, Damien, while Mallory sat next to her friend Lexi. Both members of their friend group that Shawn had basically dragged Mallory into and who she soon became friends with. She was not as close as Shawn was with them but close enough for her to hang out with and trust. But close enough for her to care about them and be friends with them.

"Really? Helping a teacher and checking out a book, that's the best you can come up with?" Damien raised an eyebrow as he sat behind Mallory.

"I didn't lie. I was in the library," She whispered back while taking out her paper and started taking notes when a paper fell off her binder and was picked up by Lexi.

"Hey, Mal?" Mallory turned to Lexi who handed her the paper which had a logo of some kind with words over it. "What's CMG?" This didn't only get the attention of the dark-haired girl but also the teachers for some reason.

"It's nothing" Mallory quickly took the paper from her friend before she could ask more and put it inside her backpack. She then turned to her teacher who looked at her, Mallory only nodded as if to say that it was what she thought it was.

"Ok," Lexi looked at her friend before turning back to the paper in front of her. "weirdo"

"I heard that," Mallory said while turning around to face the board.

"I swear," Lexi whispered while she looked at Damien with a scrunched face. "How does she do that?"

But unknown to them, Mallory was listening to them. She scoffed as she wrote down the teacher's notes on the board. As she finished she opened her binder to her pencil bag and took out a pen that was black with red and had silver glitter and the tip of a quill. She started writing in a journal with a crescent moon on it.

'TKS sent me a letter,'

As soon as the bell rang, everyone left either to their classes or to lunch, in Mallory's case it was to History class. She loved History before but now she considered it a pain in the ass, especially with her teacher who was strict as hell that she didn't even allow someone to drink a single sip of water. She had a friend there though, one from her and Shawn's friend group, a girl named Natalie. Mallory considered her one of the people she trusted the most apart from Shawn and one of her other closest friends since her first year in high school. Natalie seemed like a kindhearted, sweet, trusting, and loyal person which is what Mallory cherished most in a friendship.

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