Chapter 5: Rescue

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"What the hell?" Harry yelled. His stomach turned at the sight.

Yelling might have been one of the worst things Harry could have done. Countless creatures soon appeared. Some from behind houses. Others from up the street. And some from behind cars. All looking at them. Some walked over.

"Shit, get inside, now!" Jacob told them. They did as told. Alex stayed behind with her partner.

"What are those things?" Alex asked her.

"Not sure but look over there," Jacob indicated. Alex turned her gaze to where he looked. "See that guy over there?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Alex asked.

"That guy was one of the creatures," He told her.

"You're kidding," Alex said, shocked that she didn't realize that.

"Get your sword ready," He told her.

Jacob brought out a click ballpoint pen that had silver lines from his back pocket. Alex on the other hand took out a blue click ballpoint pen that was stuck in her hair. Both in sync clicked the pens which then turned into swords.

Jacobs's sword was long, made out of some kind of black metal with silver. The handle was a deep black with gray metal on it.

Alex's sword was made out of silver metal. The silver had blue on it and the handle was light bright blue.

Justin eyed his teammate's weapon and slightly smirked. "New sword?"

Alex chuckled lightly. "Yep, stole it from the armory."

"Ready?" Jacob asked. Sword in hand.

"Yeah," Alex replied. Both ran in.

"What the hell are those things?" Clary exclaimed as she ran inside the house.

"I don't know," Lexi trembled as she let out a shaky breath.

"Guys?" A voice said from behind.

They all turned. Much to their surprise, Mallory stood there in front of them with Peter and Mrs. Marie beside her. Rose in Peter's arms. Lexie and the others didn't know what to think.

"Mal, what are you doing here, with them?" Lexie asked.

"More importantly, why is Rose out cold?" Shawn asked. Worried about his best friend.

"She...She's fine," Mallory quickly said. "Where are Jacob and Alex?"

"Outside, some weird shit happened," Jax said.

"What are you talking about? What happened?" Mallory asked, confused and worried.

"Well--" As Harry began, he was cut off by someone running in.

"Nyx, we gotta go, now!" Nia rushed in. She quickly noticed Shawn and the rest. Rose in Peter's arms. "What's going on?"

"Doesn't matter right now," Mallory said as she connected her telepathy to Alex.

'What the hell is going on?'Mallory telepathically asked.

'Hold on a minute,' Alex said in Mallory's head. She made Mallory wait for a few moments until she finally got back to her. "Now, what's up?"

'Why are Natalie and the rest here? I thought that I specifically told you to keep them out,' Mallory said.

'Well maybe if we didn't have to save them from the monsters around here that wouldn't be a problem. Oh, and why didn't you tell us that there were monsters here?' Jacob questioned. 'A little warning would've been nice ya know.'

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