Early Mornings and Coffee

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I'm woken up at...what time is it? "Piss Off Bitch!" I yelled at some bitch that just knocked on my door. "Bitch" I hear her mumble. or maybe it's a he? They? I don't know. I look at the time and Dayyumm y'all wake up early in this hoe. it's 5:00 A.M. They woke me up at FIVE FUCKING AM. I get up and get dressed. I put my hearing aid in already because I was woken up earlier by someone shaking me. About ten minutes I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen and I see witch bitch, I think her name is Wanda, she's pretty cool she is the only person besides Tony that I cared enough about to learn their name. ANYWAY, she's throwing a FING KNIFE at arrow boy! With her magic! That's fucking awesome! I wonder if she can teach me how to do that. Besides the point, I walk in and they both look at me like I'm crazy. "It Is 5 IN THE FUCKING MORNING WHY ARE YOU AWAKE?" I whisper shout at them, well almost, started yelling at them halfway through my sentence.  "Wait you mean you haven't been up this early before?" Clit-shit I mean arrow boy (I don't know his name) said. "No, because unlike you I don't wake up at the ass crack of dawn." I replied before smiling VERY sarcastically. "Now let me through so that I can get some coffee in my damn system," I say with a sweet smile. "Good Morning Carmen, how'd you sleep?" Wanda asked Oh-so very nicely almost suspiciously. "Good but don't act like you didn't just throw a motherfucking knife at arrows over there."I say while making some coffee.  As I sit down at the table and start eating the bagel Wanda made for me Stark walks in looking all upset. "What's with all the shouting huh? You know I'm not a very big morning person." He says. "Apparently neither is Carmen. She got mad at us for waking her up at five in the 'fing morning' quote on quote." Bow Boy says. Huh...I like it Bow Boy. I'm gonna use that from now on. Later on, everyone comes down for breakfast. Buck sits beside me. I look at him like 'are you fing kidding me bitch' because he just took the seat I was propping my feet up on. "What, y'know I just so happen to sit here because I wanted to sit next to you, baby sister." Oh. He knows I hate it when he calls me that. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So about an hour later for some unknown reason, the team started fighting. Uhm, I think it's because Tony found out that Buck killed his parents. But I don't want to fight right now because I don't think they realize that it is 6:00 in the morning. I just walked out and saw them and was like 'damn it 6:00 a.m.' and walked back in. I don't think they notice that I'm not fighting with them, but that's because my brain doesn't fully wake up until like 12:30 p.m soo I'm no help whatsoever. Love that for them though. Y'know waking up this early and fighting crime in the morning just really isn't my thing. I have to have AT LEAST 3 cups of coffee to speed up the waking up process and even then I'm not awake until like 10:00. But that is what is happening right now. Love it. Refreshing, but right now Imma be honest with you, kinda regretting the whole "I smile for the first time in a long time a true smile" bit because THESE HOES be ANNOYING AS FUCK.  

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

So they stopped fighting. Love that. Let's see what happens tomorrow. What time is it? What? IT'S ONLY 6 P.M?!! I don't think I can do this!

Word count:644

Hi! I know it's been a while since I updated. I just haven't had any ideas for the story! I hope you enjoy this and don't forget to comment what you think and vote!

Chapter Question: What Is your favorite movie?

I'll go first mine is 5 Feet Apart. It's very sad but very well made and the actors are very talented.

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