a rant ab somethin that happened at school.

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basically, my school's uniform is a sweatshirt with the school's logo on it. however, they ran out of sweatshirts so we have to wear white buttoned shirts for now. so in science class, I was wearing a sweater over the shirt that we were wearing for now because it was ice cold in the room. then my teacher comes up to me and whispers "take off your sweater, I know it's cold but it's not uniform." wanna know what else? everyone else in my class who didn't have the school sweatshirt was wearing a different sweater, but she only comes up to me. what the actual fuck. my sweater isn't even inappropriate it's just a white sweater with no other design. it's cause I'm black isn't it? I hate my science teacher so much. it's so boring in her class and I want to have my old one back. if this same shit happens tomorrow I'm gonna call her out idc if I even get sent to the principals office 😌. and my other teachers don't care if we wear those types of sweaters but this one does? I swear I'm so pissed 

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