I've Had Enough.

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Ok. So you might not need to read this. But this is important.

Warning: A lot of swearing. So if you don't want to hear me swear a lot please click off.

Also sorry for being really serious but this IS a serious matter. Well to me it is anyways.

I've seen some really toxic people lately and I've had enough of their bitchy attitudes. It's really pissing me off. Whether they're online or not I don't care but this has to stop.

If you are homophobic, get the fuck out of here. You know who you are. I don't care if I'm being rude, just get out please. I can't stand people who are homophobic.

If you don't support the LGBTQ+ community, then fine. It's fine. I'm not forcing you. Nobody is. 

But don't make rude comments and insults or make fun of the people. Because that is just-



I can't even describe.

Because I think that 'love' needs no type. Love is love. You love someone they love you back, that is love. It doesn't have t be specific. It doesn't matter if a girl loves a girl or a boy loves a boy. You don't have to say,

"A gIrL nEeDs To LoVe A bOy" because no.

The LGBTQ+ community does not need that. It does not need people to judge.

If you want to judge, go somewhere else and judge. 

Like maybe hell. Somewhere where you can bother no one.

Because the world don't need someone as toxic and disgusting as 


To everyone: this was entirely dedicated to those who are homophobic. Not those who support the LGBTQ+ community. If you do, thank you for supporting! That's great! But I really think that people shouldn't be judged on who they love because when you love someone, all it needs to have is the commitment of your feelings and I think that's all that matters. 'Straight' doesn't define love. But IF you are straight, like me, then that's also fine. You just don't judge those around you.

Thank you for your attention. I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

-Katie 💙

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