Part 7

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"Dude. You gotta tell her, man. You'll blow it."
Nikki clears a spot for Tommy amongst the empty beer cans that have accumulated on his couch.
He knows he has to. He hated how it felt when Ava stopped answering the phone. He'd taken a genuine interest in her, and she made him feel so nauseously happy when he spent time with her. It freaks him out a little bit.
"I want to tell her," He replies, tugging his fingers through his hair, frustrated. But it reminds him all too much of Ava, how close she'd been, the way she put her hands in his hair.
He drops his hands and quickly sits on them. Recently, he can't do much without thinking about Ava. He could barely reign himself back the other night. He would have kissed her for ever and ever if he could. But he could lose all that if he tells her. She may not want to kiss Tommy Lee. Maybe she's happier with Jordan. But he can't keep it a secret long, she'll find out one way or another.
"It's easier than you think," Nikki says, plucking a cigarette from the ground and sticking it between his lips. "She chose you."
Tommy brings a lighter from his pocket and tosses it to Nikki as he starts talking again.
"You don't know shit. How do you think she'll react when she hears about all the shit we do?"
"Has that ever stopped any other girl?"
Tommy sighs, slumping down into the stained cushions. "She's not any other girl. It's Ava."
"I'm not fucking dumb," Nikki grouches. "Ava won't just change her mind."
"Unlikely. And even if she didn't, you'd be all 'Tommy you can't date her, focus on the band!'"
He imitates his friend rather unflatteringly and earns a whack on the back of the head.
Many a relationship have fallen at the feet of the monster that is Mötley Crüe. He doesn't know her well, but he's sure Ava's different. That's why he's certain she'll leave if she finds out who he is. Having a crush probably won't stop her from upholding a certain standard. Tommy wouldn't be considered a suitable guy after all his pretending. But it isn't like he'd faked his feelings. Those are real. It's just oh, his entire identity. But he'd never wanted a girl so badly. He doesn't want to fuck her right away, either. Of course, he would love to, but it isn't the end goal, which it so often is. But usually it'll be the girls intentions to. This, however is so much different. He wants to talk to her for hours, kiss her, make her laugh, spoil her.
He isn't afraid to admit it, he has womaniser tendencies, paired with a limitless amount of girls fan girls and groupies who know him because he's famous. Ava doesn't. Ava's interested in who he is as a person. She thinks he's some drummer with no money and a mysteriously nice car.
Would it change if he told her everything? Would she risk dating him, or would she leave because he'd lied? Of would she stay?

"Why don't we fix you up with a few girls?" Nikki offers, patting his best friends back.
"Don't want em," he replies, sighing.
He'd rather Ava than a room full of bikini models and free drugs. Which would usually trump any other girl that presented herself.
"Down for the count, aren't you?" Nikki remarks, seeing how committed Tommy is to chasing after this one girl. She was lovely thing upon meeting, but there must be more to her than her appearance if Tommy is so infatuated with her.
Tommy clutches his heart dramatically.
"Send help."
Nikki laughs, shoving him away. Then he remembers something.
"Oh, T-Bone! Some chicks I met are throwing a party. Show up or I'll miss you a lot."
"Tomorrow night."
"Fine, I'll be there. But don't set me up with any pornstars or anything. I mean, no kidding, last time was great but I don't have an interest in them at the current moment."
"You take all the fun out of it," Nikki groans.
"Cry about it. I gotta take off."
He's going to find Ava. He's oddly desperate to see her again. And hey, if the moment fits, he might have to explain who he is.
"Don't stay out too late," Nikki reminds him in a sing song voice. "And always wear protection!"
Tommy rolls his eyes.
"Thanks, mom."

The drive to the diner is a short one, partly because he speeds half the way, partly because his mind is anywhere but the road.
He shoulders the front door open and walks in. There are a lot of people in, but no Ava. He moves to the middle of the floor, turning a few times just in case he'd missed her. Another waitress in the yellow dress is darting around from table to table, giving them a quick spray and wipe before moving on.
He steps into her path, bringing her to a stop.
"Sorry, but have you seen Ava? Is she in today?" He can barely hide the hope in his tone.
"You must be Jordan," she smiles. "She's through that door at the back there, on break."
He hadn't noticed it before, but there's a door next to one of the booths at the back of the diner, painted the same colour as the wall.
"Thanks heaps," Tommy starts towards the door.
As soon as he pushes it open, his heart that was beating faster than he realised, calms at the sight of her. She's perched on a small sofa, reading a magazine with a cup of tea beside her.
The room is small, a pale blue colour, roofs stained by cigarette smoke. Ava wouldn't have contributed to it, he can tell that she isn't a smoker without her needing to tell him.
"Hey, Blondie. Thought I'd catch you here."
She looks up, surprised at the sound of his voice.
"Jordan, what are you doing here?" She stands and moves to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, taking him off guard. He hadn't expected such a warm welcome.
When she lets go and steps back, he doesn't quite know how to get words out, because her green eyes are locked right on his. He clears his throat, hoping his voice won't take on a gravelly tone that will for sure give him away.
"I just... Came in to see if you're free."
She shakes her head.
"Not today, I'm working right into the night."
"We'll see," she smiles.
The way his heart sank at her response makes him painfully aware of the chokehold she has on him.
"Where are you staying? Maybe I'll drop in sometime."
"Can't say, it's someone else's place. But I'll give you the number."
"You do that."
"And then you've gotta leave, I can't have you at work or I'll never get paid. Too much of a distraction, you are."
"To your reading?" Tommy snorts, picking up the magazine she'd left on the sofa and flicks through. "What, Madonna can't wait?"
She closes it, Madonna's face disappearing into the pages.
"I'll get fired if you drop in all the time just to hang out in the break room."
She takes a pen and grabs Tommy's wrist, turning it over so she hand write Leanne's home phone number on the top of his hand.
"I can go in peace now, see?" He grins, backing out to the door. "I'll see ya."
"Get outta here," she replies, a smile creeping to her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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