my home

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Tyler pulled up in front of Rudi’s place and hesitated before getting out.  Why was it that Mandy somehow always seemed to be the one person who could make him nervous?  He was not too sure what to expect during their afternoon and evening together.  Technically, she would have gone into mating heat; but he knew that it was that time of the month for her and it would take her ‘human’ body at least one to two days to catch up with her ‘wolf’ nature; so at least that was one worry less for him.

After their fight earlier they had parted on fairly good terms, but that was also only because she had been concerned about hurting him.  He snorted at that.  He had already healed completely by the time her dad had carried her even half way to their house.  Slamming the steering wheel, he cursed himself for not anticipating that Mandy’s wolf would be special.  He should have been able to prepare her for that possibility or at the very least have warned her about it.  Feeling out for her state of mind he broadened his ‘other’ link to hear her.

As was usual when he made a deeper contact with her; he immediately felt more at peace.  He sighed and sat back as he tried to analyze what he could hear from her.  He knew from experience that she mostly sounded like a waterfall, but when she was very happy; she would also tinkle like a crystal wind chime.  He could still hear the waterfall; although, it did sound a bit sluggish as if it was full of … What?  It did not have a ‘dirty’ sound to it, more as if the water was heavy; almost like it was full of ice.  Tyler nodded to himself; yes, that was most likely the best way to describe the waterfall sounds.  What was strange though is that he could also catch some wind chime tinkling, but every now and then; it had a sour note to it.  Almost as if she was happy, but apprehensive at the same time.

Sitting for another minute Tyler eventually decided that she had mixed emotions about seeing him.  He took a deep breath and drew his shoulders back.  He was the cause of Mandy not being her usual balanced self and he would see how he could help her get that balance again.  Or at least a part of it.  He knew from his own experience that she would only find complete balance once they were properly mated.  As would he; but at least his two halves had merged and he had such clarity now; such a sense of unity that he felt completely comfortable in his own skin.  At least the wolf hasn’t been insulting him lately.  All that instinctive knowledge was now a part of him.

Determined to help Mandy find some balance; he got out of the car and walked up to the front door.  He thumped out a short tattoo on the door with his hand and waited for someone to open up for him, as he remembered all the times he would just simply walk in the kitchen as if it were his house.  The door opened and Rudi ushered him.

“You know Tyler; I miss those days when you would just walk in.  I did not mind so much when the twin’s boys came to visit or pick them up.  It’s all part of giving them the third degree and it did not last that long; but you have always been here.  So just open the door and come in already.  If you are going to wait until she graduates from school I refuse to keep opening the darn door for you all the time.”

“Thanks Rudi.”

Rudi frowned at him.  “And while we are talking about that; don’t you think you should start practicing calling me ‘dad’?”

Stunned and surprised Tyler did not know what to say at first.  Then he saw the pleased smile on Rudi’s face and he knew that the older man was thrilled that he had managed to pull the rug out from under his feet.

“Yeah; I suppose I could start practicing … dad.”

“Atta boy!”  Rudi said and gave Tyler a slap on his shoulder.  “You had better come in and sit.  It most likely took you less than ten minutes to get ready; but Mandy will need at least another half an hour.  Come sit and tell me about what you told your father.  He only gave me a brief outline.”

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