To the Rescue Pt.3

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A: wakes the next day and sees Charles back to normal* Charles!

Ch: got startled and fell of the rock* ack!

A: o.o

Ch: Ashly? W-what-

A: hugs* T^T

Ch: Awoh sweetheart...*rubs her head* I'm so were going to find out at some point that....I'm a monster...

A: your not a monster Charles. But whatever that thing is that you turn into...he saved me and Lucy! But it's you! Your the clown! Your my hero.

Ch: ....I am?...

A: yes! I could care less if you were a monster! And too me...that clown isn't a monster..he's the hero that saved my baby from the Aftons. And if you think I'm gonna leave you just because of this...then your wrong! I love both of you. *hugs* is he like a different person?

Ch: *tears up* Awoh sweetheart. And no he's not. But I do call him Chester. And I will respond to that name. If necessary.

A: does Lucy know?

Ch: no...and she thinks I abandoned her when the Aftons took her and Chester came and saved her. But I just can't...I don't want to scare her...

A: can you talk in that form?

Ch: it really depends...why?

A: cause if you are in that form and Lucy is could try to talk and sound like you!

Ch: hun I don't think that will work..if my body does my voice...and so far as I's a really rough, deep sounding voice...with a British accent..

A: *giggles*

Ch: heh. will I even practice that's I only turn into Chester when I'm angry. And when I'm angry..I'm very hard to control..and I'm afraid I might hurt you.

A: if you know it's for a good cause. Then I know you won't. Now..bite yourself.

Ch: wut.

A: bite yourself! Or do something that really gets you really excited!

Ch: sweetie...if I get excited that's a different story. I don't change into him. But pain and anger will make him come out.

A: then I'll bite you.

Ch: what no! Don't! L-Listen...let's just go and pick up Lucy from school okay? And we will try later.

A: okie. *gets a phone call from the Principal* hello? Yea. Uh huh. .....

Ch: Ashlynn?

A: WHAT?! What do you mean she got suspended?! What did she do! *they explained to me* THAT IS BULLCRAP!!! *hangs up*

Ch: what happened?

A: lucy got suspended for defending herself against one of the Aftons at school. William is there now.

Ch: *voice changed to Chester's voice* WHAT!! He could hurt her! Or even take her again! He will not touch her!! *eyes turn red in pure anger*

A: o.o

Ch: stands up and grunts as I start to change again*

A: O.O

Ch: growls and roars*

A: 0.0

Ch: looks at you as your phone rang again*

A: *answers* Lucy? Sweetie what's wrong?! He's what?! Sweetie just stay there okay we are on the way! *hangs up* William is trying to kill her! He has a knife and she's in the bathroom! Chester we have to go now!

The Incredible Hulk Parody: Derry AUWhere stories live. Discover now