To the Rescue Pt.5

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M: knocks*

Ch: answers* oh hello Michael! You okay? You seem down.

M: my father is wanting to kill you again...

Ch: does he now.

M: y-yea. So I came over here to um...*blushes* confess about Scarlett. I'm case i never get to see her again..

Ch: *kneels* Mike. I won't let your father hurt us. And you know this too..but you've changed over the years and I have to say you've really improved.

M: yea....but the reason I even bullied Scarlett was because....I liked her...but I didn't have the guts to say dad didn't think much of it when I told him. So he told me to bully her and I did. Thinking that it would make her like me. But I was wrong...and my dad was wrong too.. and I want to say sorry...

Ch: smiles softly and hugs him* your forgiven and I want you to know that I've you ever need anything. Just come over and ask and I'll help you.

M: okay. ^^

Ch: now you go talk with Scarlett. I need to get back to work. *goes to leave*

M: do you think HE forgives me?

Ch: stops* you mean Chester?

M: y-yea.

Ch: *chuckles a bit evilly* you would have to ask him that yourself. *looks over my shoulder and eyes glowed green*

M: o.o"

Ch: eyes went back to normal* of course he does. He's not heartless son.

M: h-hehe. Okay.

Ch: goes back to my office*

Sc: bored*

M: god she's cute...

Sc: eh? *looks* Michael! :3

M: h-hey Scarlett.

Sc: *excited bean* what brings you here?

M: holds out a flower* I want you to be my girlfriend.

Sc: o.o

M: I just really like you. Your pretty, talented, smart and just down right gorgeous. A-And I want you to be with me. *holds her face softly*

Sc: oh Michael YES! Yes I will! *hugs and kisses all over his face* I've been waiting so long!

M: O///w///O

Sc: giggles* now come on! Give me kisses! Q^Q

M: come here~ *kisses*

A: >:D Ch-

Ch: I know. *concentrating* and I'm expecting grand babies!

Sc: well. I do want to be a mother.

M. I have always wanted to be a dad.

Ch: then get to it! But only when your 18!

Sc: I turn 18 tomorrow daddy.

Ch: I know! >:3

M: I'm 20~

Sc: your older than me! TwT

M: yes~ which means your my little girl~

Sc: >w<

Hours later

W: where is Michael Cassie.

M: remember he went off?

W: oh that's right. I bet he's at the nerds house! *storms out*

M: making out with Scarlett*

L: why?

M: god I love you so much~ I can't resist anymore!

Ch: Ey!

M: TwT

W: bursts through the door* NERD!! GIVE BACK MY SON!!!

Ch: -.-

M: o.o"

W: sees what's going on* Michael what the f*go are you doing?!

M: uhhhhh. Kissing my girlfriend?

W: since when did you-

M: for a year.

W: A YEAR?! And you knew about this!

Ch: yea. So?

W: IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!! *punches him*

Ch: holds his hand and eyes were green* I don't think so. Not this time.

W: since when did you get so strong!

Ch: *chuckles*

L: here we go! >:3

Sc: show him daddy! :3

M: >:] *records*

Ch: gets very angry and changes to Chester and crushes his hand and roars*

W: 😱

Ch: *had a dark tone of voice* for years you've abused me and my family.. and now I can finally have my revenge...*grabs him*

W: please don't kill me!

Ch: I won't kill you but I will make you suffer~

A: wait! Charles! Don't!

Ch: looks at her*

A: this is not the way to handle this..*holds his big hand* don't hurt him...please....for me? 🥺

Ch: eyes turn blue*

W: ?

Ch: looks at him* your lucky she stopped me. *drops him*

A: thank chu. :3

Ch: picks her up, and sits on the floor holding her and stroking her hair*

Sc: goes and hugs* :3

L: hugs him* :3

Ch: shrinks back to human* :3

A: giggles*

W: I guess you aren't so bad Johnsson. I'm sorry for how I've treated you...

Ch: it's okay Afton. ^^ we can still be friends if ya want.

W: I'd like that. ^^

A: yay! Now who wants cake? :3


A: giggles and gives everyone cake*

W: flings some on Charles* >:3

Ch: >:0 *smashes the cake in his face* XD

W: TwT

Oh you thought this is the end? NO. It's not you silly people. It's only the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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