Chapter 4

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The boy didn't know what was going to happen next. He's never experienced the Commander aiming a gun outside of a battle or gun training. He decided that the best course of action was to say nothing, do nothing, and be as still as he could be in an attempt to survive the wrath of the Commander. But he couldn't help but hold his breath as the Commander didn't lower his gun that was pointing at the Captain's head. Tanaka froze beside the boy almost following what he did as not to draw the Commander's attention, he kept his head down not daring to even look in the Commander's direction.

The Commander cocked the gun before threatening "I thought you knew better Captain, you know the rules that have been set. You learned them since we got the Mutt." His fingers played with the trigger almost like he wasn't sure if he was going to fire it just yet. "Tell me, Captain, what is the first rule we have about the Mutt?"

The Captain open then closed his mouth like a fish not saying anything before he finally decided to speak, "well Commander I thought those rules were only for battle and not for training as I read the rule sheet." The Captain didn't dare to look at the Commander at this point. He continued with "I'm guessing I am wrong about this fact though and for that I apologise for my insolence it shall never happen again."

"No, it will not Captain" the Commander stated before he fired into the air momentarily distracting the Captain, before sticking him in the head with the grip rendering him unconscious and leaving a sizable gash on his forehead. The Commander kept his eyes on the Captain for a moment to make sure he wasn't going to get back up before turning to the boys and glaring at them. "Well-Private Tanaka, Mutt have any word to explain yourselves with? Hmm."

The boys seemed to lose all of their words as their brains tried and failed to come up with a response. After a few minutes of choking on their words and not coming up with anything and against their better judgement, they didn't say anything the boys just decided to stare at the ground in silent bewilderment. The Boy just stepped forward and offered his arms to the Commander hoping that he'll just be dragged out of the training room and the Commander will leave Tanaka alone. Tanaka didn't try to stop him knowing that if he did, it may end even worse for them. The Commander just stood there and rolled his eyes then grabbed the Boys wrists and hoisted him off the ground for a moment before he started to drag him out of the room, stopping just before the door he turned towards Tanaka and mentioned "you're in luck Private the Mutt had decided to take your punishment as well as his, just keep in mind you won't be so lucky next time." Turning back towards the door he dragged the Boy away letting the door slam behind him as he strode along the corridors.

Tanaka walked towards Captain before kneeling down and starting to check his head wound seeing the it won't need stitches luckily he stands up and shuffles towards the first aid kit screwed onto the wall. Once he got all the supplies he needed he shuffled back to the Captain and started cleaning and dressing his head all the while not making a sound just incase the Commander came back. Tanaka didn't know what else to do apart from hoping that the Captain will wake up and that Sparks wouldn't be getting into too much trouble on his behalf. After another quick assessment Tanaka decided the Captain was okay to be moved so he hauled the Captain over his shoulders and started the march towards the medical rooms so the Captain could get some better medical attention he probably needed. The medical officers told Tanaka that the Captain will be okay after some fluids and a overnight observation with a nurse with a healing quirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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