Chapter 1

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Mya Curtins was watching the clock tick by slowly. Why couldn't this day go by any faster? Thought Mya. Mya was so excited she could barely stay in her seat. Today was the day! She would finally get to ride her gorgeous horse, Zia. Mya loved horses so much in fourth grade she would pretend to be a horse. She would gallop through the halls and neigh at people when they did something she didnt like. Mya turned to her table mate who was annoyingly tapping her pencil on the table. Her table mate was named Anna, and they had been best friends since diapers. "Can you stop?" Asked Mya, annoyed. The teacher, Mr.Potatoes, shushed Mya. "Pay attention,Mya!" He snapped. "I was!" Retorted Mya, who was a teachers pet. "Alright, then answer this." He said calmly. Mya bit her lip uncertainly. "What is the atomic number of Hydrogen?" Mya looked around, for any sign of hints around her, "Ummm... 6?"Blurted out Mya, uncertainly. "Incorrect Mya, it is 1. Next tome pay attention." "I'm sorry." Mya said, hiding her face in imbarresment. "Atleast I was paying attention." Said Anna. Mya sighed and started watching the clock again. They just dont understand. She thought, they had never bonded with a horse the way I have. Suddenly and earpeircing ring erupted from the intercom. The bell! Thought Mya! Thank goodness it's time to go! Mya's name came onto the car rider board quickly. Finally! Mya walked out of the classroom, and got into her car. "How was your day?" Asked her mom. "Eh." "Well guess what!" "What?" "Your horse phone case finally arrived in the mail!" "You're kidding, really!?" Mya felt her excitement start to grow inside of her. Today was her horse back riding lessons and her phone case had finally came! "Here it is!" Her mom reached back to Mya's seat and handed her a beautiful horse phone case, it had a palomino horse running on it, Mya jumped for joy. It was even better then imagined! Mya took off her old, blue phone case and replaced it with her new case. That's better! Thought Mya, smiling. "Here we are!" Her mother said. The car pulled onto a long gravelly driveway. Mya pressed her face onto the cold window, staring at the horses of all different colors, shapes, and sizes. They parked in the parking lot, upfront of the hay smelling stable. "Have fun!" Her mom called as mya walked out of the door. "Oh and hey! Dont forget your helmet!" "Oh right!" Said Mya laughing at her own forgetfulness. How could she have forgotten? Mya pulled the car door back open and grabbed her helmet, she then swung the door shut and trud through the muddy grass and into the stable.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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