Let's Count The Stars Together Part 2

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Tomorrow morning

*7am in the Morning*

Carl Woke up and look at the coach where Latina slept last night but when he look at the coach Latina is not there

Carl: Latina? where did you go? Latina?

Latina: *Comes out the bathroom* Im here Carl i just pee *Smiled*

Carl: Oh i thought you were gone 

Carl parents came Latina just stay still and watch Carl parents take care of him

Carl Mom: Oh my! your awake know my dear

Carl: Mom! Dad! i miss you guys so much 

They hug each other and Carl's Dad put the fruits on the table that he brought for Carl

Carl Dad: Here are some fruits my son eat it ok and always drink water and your medicine ok

Carl: Yes Dad *Smile*by the way Dad! *Looks at Latina, Latina was waving her hand like a No Sign, Carl does a sign "Why" Latina whisper "Just Don't!"

Carl Dad: What is it?

Carl: Oh uhm can you peel the Orange for me Dad?

Carl Dad: Ok let me peel it for you *Smile*

Latina does the Ok Hand and Smiled at Carl, Carl smiled back at her but carl is still confused

After Minutes the Nurse came to check Carl 

Nurse: Hi ma'am Hi Sir im just gonna check Carl

Carl Mom: Ok *Smile*

Nurse: Ok Carl so how was your sleep last night?

Carl: It was good *Smile*

Nurse: Good to know *Smile* Ok Carl eat your breakfast and drink your medicine ok *Smile* uhm Ma'am Sir can we talk outside?

Carl eats he's breakfast and the Nurse and he's parents leave, Latina go to Carl

Carl: Why did you stop me erlier?

Latina: Oh i- i was nervous maybe this is not the right time.

Carl: Ok just tell me when your ready Ok? *Smile*

Latina: Ok *Smile back*

Carl: Come on come eat with me *Smile*

Latina: No thanks i already eat

Carl: Oh ok *Smile*

The Nurse and Carl's Parents Convo:

Carl's Mom: W-why? is there something wrong with Carl?

Nurse: There is nothing wrong with Carl i just want to say you guys can't touch or see him...

Carl's Dad: B-but why?

Nurse: Carl's Lungs are gonna give up anytime and if he got some VIRUS and BACTERIA we have Carl lungs might give up easily...

Carl's Parents look at each other and thinking how they gonna tell it to Carl

Nurse: Don't worry you don't need to tell it to Carl i can tell it to him if you want? *Smile*

Carl's Mom: Oh my Thank you so much *Smile*

Carl's parents comes in and get they're things

Carl: Your leaving already Mom, Dad?

Carl's Mom: Sorry my baby we have to go know..

Carl: Oh ok bye Mom bye Dad i love you

Carl's Parents: We love you too Hon *Leaves and drives home*

Carl: Uhm Nurse? what happen?

Nurse: Uhm Carl your parents have to stop seeing you know...

Carl: But why?

Latina got shock too

Nurse: Its because your lungs are giving up easily

Carl: What no *Teary Eyes*

Nurse: But you will see them soon tho

Carl: Leave!

Nurse: But Carl..

Carl: I said Leave!!!!

The Nurse Leave with a teary eyes

Latina: Carl calm down im here for you

Carl: you will leave me too...

Latina: No im not i will never leave you Carl

Carl: Im gonna go to the Roof Top

Latina: What are you gonna do there?

Carl: Come with me...

They go to the Roof Top they sit and look at the sky 

Latina: Carl its morning its not night yet there is no stars yet

Carl: Were not gonna count stars Latina

Latina: Then what are we doing here?

Carl: Let's confess 

Latina: Confess what?

Carl: Latina I like you!

Latina: W-what?

Carl: Latina i love you do you feel the same way? *Holds Latina's Face*

Latina: Carl I love you too 

Carl: Really?

Latina: Yes Carl i love you too but were not meant to be...

Carl: What do you mean?

Latina: I stop your earlier for introducing me to you parents i stop you cause they can't see me

Carl: What do you mean they can't see you?

Latina: Im dead Carl im a ghost *Teary Eyes*

Carl: No no no if you are Dead and you are a ghost? how do i see you?

Latina: Carl you can see me because of you're imagination

Carl: Imagination?

Latina: All of this happening is all your imagination, come with me

Latina holds Carl hand and go to Carl's room, Carl saw he's self laying down the bed

Carl: What? why im laying there?

Latina: This whole time you were sleeping you're dead but your brain is alive 

Carl: Its like a dream imagination dream

Latina: Its not like its really is..

Carl: This whole time im dead?!

Latina: Yes Carl your dead this whole time

Carl: Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Latina: Carl calm down!

Carl: if im dead i just died earlier?

Latina: You died yesterday 1am Sept 15, 2020

Carl: What the?!

Latina: i know your still confused take a rest for know im gonna explain everything to you later dinner

Carl: Promise?

Latina: Promise

Carl sleep at Latina's Shoulder and Latina take a rest too

its 11am they sleep and take a rest they are holding hands while sleeping...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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