Bottled Magic

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5th January 2020

Dear Diary,

Day 254 of school and I have never felt so isolated. Magic surrounds me and this school was meant to help me access my own, but it hasn't... Not even close. Sarah spoke to me today and told me how she managed to use her magic to make herself a cup of tea; I was so jealous but had to hide it, I am still unsure who to trust. Being in a new school is difficult, especially joining mid-year. I loved my old school, there was no magic there, but after mum and dad split up mum thought it was a good idea to try and access my magic after she had lost hers years ago when she pushed against her family's wishes and married my dad – a mere mortal.

Will write again soon, if not out of choice, I am sure mum will make me as this was her big idea!

Casey xox


15th January 2020

Dear Diary,

Something's happened. I don't know how or why but it has. I saw the news this morning; people are getting really ill, not being able to breathe and being rushed into hospital. I didn't mean to do anything, but I think it is my fault. I got jealous of everyone else being able to use magic and I was having to pretend that I had it too. Sarah tried to catch me out, but Louis backed me up (God if he knew how much I loved him).

Louis and I have been getting closer, but I think I screwed it all up. I only meant for Sarah to get ill. I didn't know what I was doing. I heard the rumour about the new shop that opened that dealt in dark magic. They were selling bottles of magical powers which was exactly what I needed. However, when I brought it home it seemed to have a mind of its own. I managed to bottle it up and convince Sarah to drink it at a party last week at a party... She drank it all, but instead of something just happening to her I think it's turned into some sort of virus; I can't explain it. All I know is that I think I may have taken it too far this time and there is nothing I can do about it.

Casey xox


25th January 2020

Dear Diary,

So I have some good news and some bad news. Louis told me he liked me last week and honestly it has been a whirlwind. He showed me how he uses his magic to make things around him grow into the most beautifullest of things, honestly it is amazing and I am so in awe of him...

But then I got home to hear that the virus is spreading. I am sure it can't just be from the magic that I used from that shop, but when I went back to the shop the other day it was gone – completely vanished – and I wasn't the only one waiting outside. I saw a couple of girls from school and after we spoke quietly for a while I realised that their magic bottles did exactly the same as mine.

I wonder how long the shop has been doing it for? Just popping up in different places and selling this dangerous virus, putting it out there as magic for those of us that are desperate to have some for ourselves in a world full of magical beings.

I have been given an address of where I think they might be going to. It is a couple of hours away, but I get a week break from school soon and I don't have a choice. This virus is getting out of hand and soon I am sure the whole country will be locked down if I don't do something about it.

Wish me luck!

Casey xox


5th February 2020

Dear Diary,

If only I had known. If only I hadn't been so stupid as to think not having magic was the worst thing... It wasn't. This new reality is. Countries have started locking down, thousands of people dying and I can't help but think it is something to do with what I bought. Sarah thankfully is okay, she came out of hospital and is weak but alive, some older people haven't been so lucky. Having magic is a blessing as my whole town here in outer London is okay but in the country things haven't been so great.

I found the shop that sold me the magic bottle in the first place. I can't believe what came over me. They asked for my name. I have never felt so scared. There was about five of them, all dressed in black clothing with a sort of emo look about them. Their eyes were a fiery red which reminded me of the hot sun and their skin looked almost scaly which made me realise I was in way over my head. I shouldn't have gone. They warned me to never return or something awful would happen to me... but you know me, if someone warns me against something I am more than likely going to go and do it.

That brings me to now... I am going back in a few days' time, just as they shut up shop! I am going in to destroy all those magical bottles, no matter the consequence.

Casey xox


15th February 2020

Dear Diary,

I think I am in love...

But on another point, I went to the shop last night, with the two girls I bumped into outside the shop from school, Zoe and Clarissa. We have been inseparable ever since and even though what is happening around the world is horrendous, the pandemic has brought me two girls I now could never see myself living without. We waited outside the shop for hours until we finally saw it closing; I had to wake the girls up as they had fallen asleep, but we managed to go through the back door quietly as we saw the five black figures walking towards a restaurant down the street. We knew we didn't have a lot of time, but adrenaline seemed to keep us going. I was astounded at what we saw; there were thousands of bottles that I am guessing were full of the same thing, that disgusting virus that is making so many people ill. It doesn't seem to be affecting many young people, it is more the older community but not just locally, around the entire world. I can't watch the news anymore; it is too depressing and I am finding it too difficult not to take the blame.

Zoe, Clarissa and I all took baseball bats from the school cupboard and smashed up every single bottle we could find, we destroyed the whole shop, and I can't say that I didn't enjoy it. I did it for all those people that have lost their lives that shouldn't have. So many people know nothing about magic and the fact that it really does exist and now our world is a quieter place without them and their stories they should have had the opportunity to pass down before this pandemic hit. The last thing we did before we left through the back door is light the whole shop on fire, all the ingredients and books full of dark magic with it. We didn't want those horrendous people able to create this powerful virus ever again!

We seemed to escaped unharmed; I have a burn mark on my arm from getting too close to the fire, but I wanted to make sure the door was shut, not giving away anything so the people that owned the shop could trace the fire back to us. As we were walking away, I am not sure whether I saw one of the emo looking girls step outside the restaurant for a cigarette, her teeny little alien eyes staring straight through my body, but we put our hoods up and walked off quickly, before anyone could see us and realise what we had just done.

I am in agony and still feel a little frightened that they may come after us, but I know deep down we did the most incredible thing and I feel proud that three young schoolgirls, with enough determination, could end such a cruel set up, preying on vulnerable human beings that are desperate for a bit of excitement and magic.

On a brighter note, Louis was waiting for me at home when I got back. He snuck into my room through the window and stayed with me the rest of the night and I could never be more grateful that he did as I did not want to be alone. I was petrified, but he made me feel safe...

Oh god.

If you're reading this I need help





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