Chap 1

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It had already been over two years since I'd been to Narnia, which meant two years of nothing but work. I'd gotten an offer from someone in America, to be their apprentice. Despite my young age, they had been rather insistent. Peter had also pushed me to agree, saying that it was a good opportunity for me, it would open me to good job offers in the future.

Peter and I both lived in America and had managed to live together, which required a handful of begging to my professor and my parents. We had two bedrooms, one of which was a guest room while the other was ours. It had already been a couple months of this living arrangement.

Currently, it was a day off for myself and Peter. Peter was making lunch for the both of us after having slept in most of the morning, while I started a bath.

Today was a day to relax, and if that meant having a bath, then so be it.

I sat on the edge of the tub, running my hands through the water as I waited for it to be hot enough to turn to cold. We didn't have the nicest plumbing situation here, often having to wait a minute just for the temperature to change, but I didn't mind most of the time.

"Y/n!" I heard Peter yell.

I stood up, turning the tap to cold and walking out of the bathroom. Semi-speed-walking down the hallway, I walked into the kitchen, where Peter was facing the counter.

I stepped up behind him, wounding my arms around his middle and resting my head on his back.

"Hello" I could almost hear the smile as he spoke.

"Hi" I mumbled, looking towards him and pressing a kiss to his jaw.

I felt him squirm slightly and I laughed.

"Did you need something?"

"Mmh, I was wondering if you wanted salad today. There wasn't much left, but I tried my best with it"

I pushed myself onto my tiptoes, looking over his shoulder to see a bowl of salad, as well as cooked chicken and pasta.

"That'd be nice, thank you"

Peter squeezed my forearm and turned around in my hold, resting his hands under my jaw as he tilted my head up.

"It should be done by the time you're washed up" He mumbled, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I hummed softly, pressing into him as he leant into the counter. His arms drifted down, winding around my waist in a loose hold while my own arms went up, resting on his shoulders.

Pulling back and pressing a kiss to his cheek, I stand out of reach once again.


He nodded despite his pout.

I turned, almost running off to the bathroom as Peter laughed.

"You'd better keep your word, L/n!" He called after me.

I laughed to myself as I shut the bathroom door behind me. Noticing the water was well higher than intended, quickly making a move to turn the tap off, but it wouldn't budge. As well as that, it smelt suspiciously like a beach in here.

I continued to try and twist the handle, but to no avail.

"Peter!" I yelled, no response.

The water had spilt over the edge of the tub now, reaching towards my feet. I stepped back, aiming to open the bathroom door, but the door knob wouldn't move an inch.

'What the hell is going on' I thought, once again trying to open the bathroom door.

The water was lapping against my feet now, the towel I had beside the tub completely drenched.

All of a sudden, the water rushed out quicker, the sink's tap turning on to the highest extent. The water had reached my ankles now.


Again, no response.

I began to bang against the door. I couldn't hold my breath for long, and I couldn't swim to save my life.

I turned around, water weighing my feet down as I pushed through and towards the sink. I gripped both handles, attempting to twist them both and turn them off, but I instead lost my grip and fell back against my butt.

The water had somehow gotten even higher, reaching my chest while sat down.

My clothes were utterly soaked, the taps wouldn't turn off, the door wouldn't open, and Peter couldn't even bloody hear me.

I stood up, but the water remained at my chest, growing ever higher as I scrambled to find a higher footing.

"Oh lord, I'm about to die in my own bathroom" I said to myself, water now at my chin.

I heaved a breath as the water rose above me and towards the roof.

It almost seemed like time froze for a moment. That is, until I felt myself sinking lower and lower.

I pushed against the water with all my might, going up and towards what looked like light. I broke the surface for a moment, screaming for help before going under.

I seemed to go even further below, eyes blacking out at the loss of air. There was a hand reaching out for me, but my eyes slipped closed, everything was so dark.


Hello and welcome to book three.

I just thought that I'd put in a little note saying their ages during this one, as I aged them up.

Peter, yourself, and Caspian are 19
Susan is 18
Edmund is 16
Lucy and Eustace are 14

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