18 10 1

         She stood up from her seat with her slim body, Mr Adekunle walked up to the stage with his whip, she help the table after the principal finished admonishing her, she stayed without moving she was supposed to get sixteen strokes of cane as the teacher began to flog she started chesting the cane but it started getting painful and she started to shout and scream, she was now told she was going to stay back in school for the break and clean up the entire compound for bullying and scaling through the fence.

The next day was the day we were going to go home and i finished packing everything, i hugged Foluke bye bye and my other friends not forgetting Mrs Jomiloju my able houseparent my dad entered the hostel with his short knickers and blue and white stripped Jordan sneakers, with his Tommy Hilfiger white shirt i ran out of the door and hugged him jumping on him, i felt tears remembering the day he brought me to school for the first time, and had to leave early and how i felt the entire day till i slept off  he came in and signed an collected the outing slip.

we went to the staff room and collectected my results i waved my maths teacher who was in the staff room also my civic teaches as my dad was speaking to my form teacher Mr Ebenezer  WE LEFT THE STAFFROOM AND HEADED TO the parking lot to our car that was parked, i put my luggage in the boot of the car with little help from my dad, i sat at the passengers seat in the front and put on my seat belt as we left the premises of the school not knowing that would be my last time ever entering the premises of the school.

The drive back home was a bit quiet and i slept off. my dad asked me who Olasukunmi was, i was bit confused, but the school must have most likely told him i explained to him what everything was about.

"jen your not returning back to that school, i'm really sorry about that" i did not see that coming but anyways i actually did not mind to be honest but i would miss Mrs Jomiloju. We arrived home not to long after then i met my mum in the kitchen grilling chicken, "Mummy"!!! I Screamed as she hugged me, "Oyite, you have come, i missed you so much my baby girl, you don't look to bad just a bit slimmer hope that Helen was not collecting your food" so now mum knows.She kept ranting about how much she missed me, when it was around past two my little sister Christy came back from school, i ran to hug her while still in my compound wear dress that was still on me, she still looked as fine as ever, i missed her so much despite our arguments and everything we went through."Jen you don't even know, today the headteacher gave prefectship and i got headgirl then the problem is that i heard there's a lot of stress with it, i just smiled at her childish talks, i missed her so much.


Later in the evening we all ate on the dining table and we were talking about random things then my mum brought up the Helen issue which i did not want to talk about and she even turned it into a joke and was laughing alone then i and my dad made an eye contact and smiled i remembered the result was still in the car, i wondered why my dad did not check it in the car and i did not want to ask him because i knew certainly that i did not get first position and if i reminded my dad to pass the result he would certainly ask me about the result and probably not be satisfied but he did not, after eating i got the car key and ran downstairs to check the result, as i left because of the wind the door banged and i heard my dad call my name but i pretended to not hear and continued running down stairs i opened the white Nissan pathfinder and checked under the drivers seat and found the brown envelope i sat on the driver's seat and because it was dark i turned on the light and checked the result, i got an F in Hausa subject but made it up to twelfth position out of twenty six students the result was quite fair. 

I went back upstairs after offing the car and dropping back the envelope, everyone was seated in the parlor watching CNN while Christy was using a blue tab. "Jenny please we want to have a family talk" my dad said i sat down beside my mum and she was giving me a weird smile. "Few months ago your mum applied a scholarship in Canada"  right now nothing was going through my mind because of how much i heard about how people especially in Nigeria  do not get scholarship, "well by God's grace she got it and we would be moving to Canada in a month time". he finished.... what did i just hear? moving to Canada just like that, so that was the reason i was not going to be going back to my school, well congratulations to my mum and we were going to be moving to Canada wow that was a really good thing for us i was really excited to be honest, i would finally be entering an Airplane and i will start talking like oyibo . to be exact we would be moving to Ottawa, and you both would be leaving your schools and friends till whenever you would be coming to Nigeria to visit, so make the best you can till the twentieth of October" he finished. i looked at Christy, i guess your headgirl prefectship won't be a problem at all my subnoxious told me. I was going to be living abroad.

Another chapter out guys jenny is leaving Nigeria fahh whats happening in her next life abeg


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