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         The car she picked us in was like one I had never seen in Nigeria before, it looked like it was owned by a company or something, it was really shiny, i could not see how realistic everything on the road looked because the window was tinted so I could not really see much, there were a lot of café's on our way and things like that, while the lady kept explaining a lot of things to my mum which I could not even seem to fathom.

In about 15 minute's time, the car stopped indicating that we had arrived.

In front of us was a very high building, it looked like a house made of glass, it was really high, we entered in the first place leading us to the building, the lady clicked on a button at the side and we started moving up it was an elevator, I had entered into one of those when we went to spend a Christmas holiday at my cousins in Abuja, the we got to visit Shoprite at jabi lake mall so I got to understand what an elevator was.

After reaching the place she knotted the bolt to the coffee brown door and a very neat house rose before me. The house was very clean and tidy, there was a big screen TV, there was a carpet that said "WELCOME" like that, at Addis Ababa, it had a roofing on the inside that looked like wood, there were dark grey and blue cushions with throw pillows with very attractive pillow case.

Lucia took us round the kitchen, she showed us how to operate the dishwasher, ice cream machine and other appliances, she even taught us how to use a gas due to so many of Christy's numerous questions. After going round the house we also checked out the bedrooms, bathrooms and everything, the beds were made with bed sheets, and pillowcases, the basic needs in a bedroom were provided down to the bathroom that had electronic toothbrushes and many other things like bath gels, body wash, shampoo and so many others which, I could not wait to use.

The lady told us lastly "one more interesting part is that you will be ge' wances"

Honestly speaking I did not hear anything this woman said but Christy looked at me really excitedly and I just smiled not understanding, anything the lady said.

After she finished talking about the house my mum thanked her so much, they exchanged contacts "I'll save you as Mrs Oche" and gave her a smile, my mum just smiled back nicely, my mum thanked the woman so much to the extent of saying mun gode, the lady was once again confused and asked my mum the meaning on mun gode pronouncing the word like one Italian food "it's a way of appreciation in Hausa" my mum answered "wow what's hau.. what" ahh the babe no fit pronounce ordinary Hausa, problem.

"Well there is someone in the office who can speak the language Hausa right?" My mum nodded accepting it was Hausa "I can't wait for you to meet her" she finished squeaking lightly

I stared at my mum explaining, to her how hausa was one of our local dialects back in Nigeria, so most people could speak it

"so how about your own tribe, where you from" she asked hesitantly

"well, I am from Benue state ad my village is Ugbokolo my husband is also idoma from otukpa so our children are idoma from otukpa" my mum explained. "whoa that's really good, I would definitely like to learn a lot about your culture an everything, but for now let's umm stick to the general English" she said laughing, my mum and I joined her also, while madam Christiana was just absent minded.

Lucia helped us pack our boxes which were very heavy into the house and even offered to help us stat arranging, but my mum insisted on her not worrying.

The house had three rooms, a study and the dining table was really lovely. The master bedroom was going to be for my mum and dad, it was also like the one back home in Nigeria, ours was not too small, and it had closets within it, it had an air conditioner, dressing place a big a clean mirror it was very conducive.

After we finished arranging our clothes into the wardrobe, and other things.

I felt little thirst and went to the kitchen to find Jeri can to fetch drinking water, but I did not see, I saw a dispenser and fetched some, there was a fridge beside the dining, I went there to open it, there was a lot of groceries in the fridge, there were plenty snacks, yoghurt, ice-cream, milk, and a lot of other things, I was quite impressed.


"Jenny" Christy kept calling my name, I was wondering why, "mummy said you should come let's call daddy", she said after finding me, I quickly followed her to the room to speak to my dad, she dialled my dad's number and it started ringing, I was so excited "Hello" I heard my dad's familiar voice say, I beamed with a smile, "Daddy" we all screamed, excitedly including mummy, "so how are you guys doing over there", he asked sounding all so excited too, I liked what was happening, only that I wished he was with us. He should do and get the visa sef my sub noxious said.

We spoke to him for a while, we even changed it to a video call using zoom app, I got to see my pops face, I was so excited.

We showed him round, the entire house, including the fridge, and groceries in it. After a while my dads network became very poor, so he had to go off, and it was already night for us in Canada, so we had to sleep early, my mum took her bath, I was too lazy too, until Christiana entered the bathroom to bath also, I did not want her to tease me about being a dirty girl so I just carried the white towel we "picked" from the hotel, I pulled over my clothes and wrapped my body with the towel, I walked up to the bathroom when I heard my little sister scream in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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