Chapter 10 : Collide

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Hyojin's POV:

After seeing Hangyeom following Junkyu at the party, gave me chills I never thought I would. Hangyeom was never the one to initiate flirting, he usually act cold and mysterious for women to approach him first, also men to some instances. I know it's rare in our line of job for someone to be upfront and forward of revealing their gender orientation, this type of personal information could be used against us to end our career.

But seeing Hangyeom for the first time to blatantly expose himself just to get someone's attention was indeed a red flag for me. This time it might be different.
I need to act fast unless I'm  ready to finally let go of him.

"Hyunsuk-a!" I need to find a way to know more about Junkyu. Before I decide if he's a friend or a foe.

"Oh? Ah hyung, do you need soemthing?" Hyunsuk was busy scanning the crowd, like he's looking for something or someone.

"Ani, I think you're looking for something?" I acted cool, but I think I had a hunch he's looking for Junkyu. They came together and I'm sure he will make sure to go home together as his leader.

"Ah deh hyung. Have you seen Junkyu? I couldn't find him anywhere, his phone's dead too." Finally confirmed my hunch.

"Aisht! That brat, don't tell me he ditched me and went home ahead? Wait til I get a hold of him." He forgot I'm still there that he's blabbering annoyed by Junkyu's disappearance.

"I think I've seen him with Hangyeom earlier. They went out together from here, I guess they were out for some fresh air." I made a lie to catch some leak in case Hyunsuk would slip something.

"Sincha?!" He looked surprised. Mmm, I need to dig more.

"Deh, I even wondered when did they became close?" Feigning curious too.

"Oh, they're not. I mean, of course they know each other, but close I don't think so. He's closer to his HUG team members. Maybe they bonded tonight." Hyunsuk seemed unsure himself.

" But Junkyu.... aniya."

" Wae? What about Junkyu?"

"He's usually awkward towards strangers or even casual acquaintances, he's introverted. I mean I even forced him just to attend tonight" Hyunsuk explained.

Sorry Hangyeoma l, but I really need to do this. I still can't let you go.

"Hyunsuk-a, a-mm, can I tell you something? Mmm, it's quite personal. Can I trust you right?" I need to make sure if my suspicions are right about Junkyu. I'm willing to reveal our past to Hyunsuk just to make it happen.

"Of course hyung! I respect so much and in our line of work, trust among friends should be cherished."

Fuck! That stings. I had to suppress my conscience if I want to make this happen. "Well, you've mentioned about Junkyu being introvert and awkward, right? I just thought you need to know about Hangyeom. "

Fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this to him. If this gets out, I would lost him forever that's for sure.

"What do you mean hyung ? what about Hangyeom hyung?"

"It's nothing serious really, just wanted to give you a heads up, at least you as Junkyu's leader and close friend, you cared for him deeply, right? Hangyeom is a good guy, though he may act cold and passive to others, but he's really down to earth and caring. Just that...." This is it, how would I phrase it not to appear weird. Argh! Come on Hyojin! You're half way there.

"What about Hangyeom hyung, hyung?"

"Hangyeom.... H-he's a little different nowadays, since...... we broke up". There I've finally said it, Whew! Shit! Did I shocked Hyunsuk?

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