10 more fun facts about me!

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lol ok let's GOOO!

1. I am a K-pop lover, well I used to be, then I started not listening to is, but when I remembered a song, MEMORIES CAME BACK!!!!!! Yeah now practically I love it! but not as much as Wattpad!
~No haters~

2. My two favourite Japanese songs are....
The World is Mine by Hatsune Miku it was on the last chapter..
BlueBird by Ikimono Gakari which is also Naruto Shippuden opening three!
~No haters bruh~

3. I love Vocaloid, you see the picture in the last chapter, and other picture up there somewhere, OH also my profile pic!
~lol no haters~

4. I am a fashionista, I love to always over dress, but I get very uncomfortable, but I still do it... Meh... YEh
~No haters please~

5. I have long long (not that long) waist length, straigh black hair, with black rectangle-ish glasses, and dark dark brown eyes, that seem black.... Aim not racist guy, to be honest...

6. I swear I little bit like Crap... sorry yah lol.... BUT ONLY LIKE ONCE OR TWICE A DAY!!!

7. I HATE horror movies, when I watch one I get scared to death.... and have ongoing nightmares, and won't stop until like 5 months... hehehe lol
~No Haters~

8. I shout and scream ALOT! and tend to over react when something is done wrong... sometime bruh sometimes!
~It's a Habit~

9. I don't really speak in my normal voice a lot... how I talk is...

So when I'm talking my voice is either high or low, or my normal voice..
then to emphasise it more, I have accents and poses... yah yah
~Not haters~

10. I sleep with a small yellow pillow, a large fluffy, pink, Hello kitty blanket (I got it for a present), a small purple fold up pillow, which is a dragon, and a medium sized grey elephant. I also tend to sleep with the light open, sometimes!!!
~No Haters bruh~


11. I all ways have sleepovers at my cousins house, when we're allowed to and we just like read on Wattpad and stuff....

12. I sometimes sing and dance in front of a mirror while I have a song playing on the speaker!
~No Haters~

13. I sometime accept I am a weirdo...
"Your such a weirdo"
I'm like "Thank for the compliment"
~No Judgers~


Picture: Hatsune Miku
Song: BlueBird by Ikimono Gakari

YAH !!!!!

The people I nominated will be on the next chapter!

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