~Angels Part 1~

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Angels, you might think that they're majestic beings and actually has two eyes, right?

Well you're fucking wrong,

The reason of why they look like that should be hopefully solved by the end of the book. (I am learning just as much as you we're on the same page)

So, angels come from the 'Old Testament', The first half is what the Christians believe in and The Jews believe in the entire testament (Tenakh).

The old testament was written down in modern-day Israel and Palestine, from about 6th century BCE - 3rd century BCE. Although many scholars believe the biblical stories themselves are much older.

We get the word 'angel' from the Greek; ayyelos  (angelo's) originally from the Hebrew word mal'akh (I'm not writing the actual word), which roughly translates to messenger. These 'messengers' appear in the old testament a number of times, they carry god's messages (Ofc they're god's messengers, fuckin hell) from heaven and earth, and acts on his behalf.
For example; you might recognise the angel of death in the passover story, that slaughtered all the first sons of the Egyptians.

Or perhaps the angel that struck 70,000 Israelites to death and the angel that single-handedly killed 185000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, when they appear in the Bible they are described as having wings, in fact, they look like any ordinary person

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Or perhaps the angel that struck 70,000 Israelites to death and the angel that single-handedly killed 185000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, when they appear in the Bible they are described as having wings, in fact, they look like any ordinary person.

In the later biblical texts such as DANIEL, some even get names, Gabriel, Raphael and Micheal.

This all sounds familiar but they're not quite the nightmare material freak abominations, you saw before, the angels, known as Mal'akh, are not the only heavenly creatures in the Bible, there is a fucking hierarchy of them (That seems fucking terrifying),and depending on who you ask, your classic humanoid angels are actually pretty far down the ladder.

A/N: I- what the fuck

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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