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While kyouka organised the shelf

"You're kidding me. They said a stray cat tore the guts out of a mouse type Allmate."

" your kidding" she said in disbelief

" No I'm serious, check your coil" he said then looked at ren "You should be careful too Ren." Aoba said to his Allmate. "Definatly." he replied. Then the door opened

  "Good afternoon!" Aoba said. 

The guy looked around "Now this has a really retro feel." he said.  "Can we help you find something?" Aoba asked. 

The guy then looked directly at him.  "It's right here.." he said reaching out, a second it looked like he was reaching for the guy in front, but Then he grabbed something from behind aoba. 

He looked at it. "I've never seen anyone carry these." he said.  He set it on the counter in front of Aoba.  "So, would you like to buy it?" Aoba asked, The guy kept a straight face. 

Kyouka felt something odd about him ' he seems so...familiar...'

"If your not, or you wanna see something like it, I'd be happy to look in our inventory." Aoba suggested, The guy said nothing.  "And I guess, that maybe your not...." Aoba said awkwardly.

"So, uh.. how will you be paying?"  He then put his fist in the scanner, making the "blip" He kept his straight face and walked out of the shop. 

"Thank you sir, please come back again." Aoba said, a small glare on his face. 

Time Skip

After the shop was closed, Aoba and kyouka started making theyre way back home, Aoba had placed his headphones on. 

' this city gets pretty busy around sunset, traffic around the business district is full of People going home, ribstize members are always getting into stupid fights and pissing contests about who's on who's terf and what not, And of course there are the new found homeless thanks to building the new platinum jail, you can hardly see a tree a bee or a bird because of all the developments, Everyone's just doing what they can to live Live a life in Midorijima'

He then stopped when he looked at the three brats from the shop, They ran up to a woman, who seemed to be their mother. 

'But that's subject to change I think, I like how things are tight right now, maybe I wonder too much about the city changing, I suppose it's because...I wonder about me changing with it' he smiled a little looking up

"The city is pretty lovely around sunset." He heard kyouka murmur, he looked and noticed his hand was locked in hers.

' w-when did I...' he then stopped when he noticed the smile on her face, he liked seeing her happy, and continued the walk home, with his hand, still locked in hers

After a long walk, they finally made it home, aoba took out his keys and unlocked the door.  "What the hell?" he said

"What's going on?" Ren asked

" is something wrong?" Kyouka asked

"I locked the door today, right?" Aoba asked.

"This time yes, I saw you do it." Ren said.

" y-yeah..." Kyouka said feeling nervous

"So what's it doing open?" Aoba wondered

They went inside the dark house, and went upstairs to his room, Aoba slid open the door, a slight blue light shining from the inside. 

He looked around the room, and his eyes landed on a figure on a holographic laptop.

He stopped and looked at back at him.  "Your finally home." he said, It's the guy from the shop!

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