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I'm sitting in a large beanbag chair, with Namjoon on one side and Hobi on the other. They are snuggling into me and we're holding hands. The forest is slowly changing colors as the sun gets ready to set and the sky is morphing from light to dark blue with streaks of pink, yellow and red reflecting off the clouds.

My head lays on Hobi's shoulder as we watch the sunset and I'm feeling happy and content. Namjoon is leaning against my back and his head is on my shoulder. I'm sandwiched between the two of them and I never want to ever move. I feel a nuzzle and a soft kiss behind my ear from Namjoon and I smile at the moment of affection.

"It's so peaceful here," I murmur.

"That's why we brought you," Namjoon replies.

"Do I have to worry about the foundation getting involved in this mess?" I ask them. Truthfully, the idea of having their families looking over our shoulders scared me more than the idea of the curse.

"They've been involved in this mess from the beginning," Hobi reminds me.

"That's true. I just feel nervous that I'm going to be judged by others for all this. I wasn't that nervous about it just being us and Daniel, but now I have your extended families to answer to...and I'm not sure how to feel about that."

I feel Namjoon squeeze me from behind while Hobi leaves a kiss on the top of my head. "They support us. If we say you are a permanent employee and our mate, then that's the rule." Namjoon tells me.

"This just feels like it's moving so fast. " And it has been. My mind whirls with all that has happened since the full moon. A lot has happened in five days. I just want to curl up and hide a little. In response to that line of thinking, I snuggle more into Hobi, burying my face into his neck.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" Hobi asks. His hands squeeze mine, holding them with both hands while Namjoon snuggles against me even closer. I wish my thoughts would calm down. I feel so protected between them, but my mind doesn't trust that feeling. I'm having a hard time believing this is real at all.

Even as Hobi asks me what's wrong, I can't put my finger on what is bothering me the most. Is it the curse? Is it the foundation? Is it that I'm so horny that I can't think straight and I can't touch my soulmates? Is it that I don't trust this driving need that seems to be connected with magic to these seven men? Yeah... it's that last one.

"How do I trust this? If it's all magic, how is any of it real?" I look up at Hobi, my eyes wet with unspilt tears and my voice tremulous.

"Oh, my baby girl," Hobi turns to take me into his arms as my tears finally fall. I sob to release the fear and stress that have come with the joy and excitement. Namjoon rubs my back while I'm enfolded in Hobi's firm and warm arms. His chest is a bastion of safety from the fears that plague me as this gets deeper than I was maybe prepared for.

This was a curse, how could anyone be prepared for this?

"How.. sniff...if we are bound by magic..sob...can these feelings be real?" I feel Hobi's and Namjoon's lips touch my head and body as they try to comfort me as I spill my fears. "How do we know our feelings are real? This unending drive I feel to be with you. This need to hold you close to my skin. To satisfy cravings I've never had for another person, must less seven!" I sob harder as the reality of this insane situation hits me.

"And you know what is the worst part?" I ask, looking at both Hobi and Namjoon.

"What?" Namjoon replies.

"I can't even touch you how I want to. I can't kiss you, I can't feel you close, I have all this driving emotion and desire and can't do anything about it!" I sob even harder. The unfairness of it all finally venting into Hobi's now damp shirt.

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