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Everything look like a solid....Brick...Walls...Human

But the fact they all just from a dust

A dust that created everything

A Dust that have been commanded by a creator to be created

A dust that built us

A same...dust

Then why we always comparing ourself

If we are made from a same Dust...

Why...A Brilliant Mind have a feeling of all feels...including Humble and Sympathy

Then what does that mean?

That mean "An Always Comparing" person is....stupid

They have neither no mind...nor feeling

Just a thing....a stupid thing


You wanna be like them?

A betrayed Dust?

Of course you don't...

Then....stop comparing...and You will become a community of a Great Dust.....

A Soul

By Dusk  I mean Carbon,you know...that thing...anyway...ask google

Thanks for reading,My name is _______ and goodnight Earth

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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