Meeting Blaze

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It was a beautiful day in Paradise and no soulless to fight.  Mary was walking around the castle and didn't notice someone in front of her and she bumps into them.  "Oh I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" she said.  "No no it's okay I wasn't looking where I was going so it's my fault" Mary looks up and to see a purple cat and hair that lit up like a fire but purple.  "I'm sorry but I've never seen you around here before.  May I ask who are you and why you are here."  "My name is Mary and the Sons of Heephis saved me from Zielo and healed me.  Zielo destroyed my home and everything I loved and killed all the people in my town."

The cat hearing this was surprised that someone had survived from Zielo's attack.  "I can't believe you survived from his attack, usually he doesn't let people live that fight him back and bore him."  Mary nodes her head and still doesn't know the cats name so she asks, "I never I got your name may I know what it is please?" "Right sorry my name is Blaze and I am one of the demigods that live in this palace."

Mary and Blaze were talking and getting to know each other.  Then the brothers came out of their room and saw Mary and Blaze talking. They go over to them and greeted Blaze.

Blaze: Hello Sons of Heephis.

Silver: Hey Blaze I see you met Mary.

Mary: More like bumped into each other.

Mary and Blaze giggles. "If you don't mind me asking Mary, but what kind of species are you?  I've never seen a species like you before" Blaze asked.

Mary: That's because there's rarely like me.  I'm wolf hybrid and I don't know where or who I got it from because I never knew my parents.  They abandoned me when I was a baby and left me with a young couple. *ears fold down*

Blaze: Oh I'm so sorry to hear that Mary.  How did you find out that the young couple wasn't your parents?

Mary: They told me when I turned 16.  I was shocked and upset that they weren't my actual parents, but they made me understand what it feels like to be loved by a mom and dad.  But now I can't see them anymore because Zielo killed them right in front of me and I can never get their screams out of my head.  It's always playing on loop in my head like I could have done something to save them from Zielo but I was too scared and frozen. *starts crying*

Blaze and the brothers were all shocked and sad to hear this from Mary, especially Sonic since he had the same thing happen to him when he was young.  Shadow was more sad to hear it and hugged Mary to comfort her.  She hugged back and cried on his shoulder.

Shadow: Shh it's okay I'm here.  Remember you have us with you and me to protect you.  You don't need to be scared anymore. *kisses Mary's forehead*

Blaze looks at them and tilts her head seeing if she sees this right. "So is Shadow and Mary like in love with each other or am I seeing things?"

Silver: They actually are together.  They got together last night because they noticed they had something in common.

Sonic: We kind of listened to their conversation when Mary told Shadow her story.

Mary calmed down and falls asleep in Shadows arms and Shadow smiles.  "I'll take her to bed and stay with her you two can go on and eat without me."

Sonic: Okay Shadz

Silver: Okay big brother

Shadow carries Mary back to the brothers room while the other two and Blaze go to the dining room.  Shadow sets Mary in his bed and kisses her forehead.  "I won't let anything happen to you and I promise you that.  I love you Mary."

Hey guys I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything on this story.  It's hard to keep with stuff since I've got school and a job.  But I'm planning on to post on this story and the other story more often.  With that being said I hope you enjoyed this part of the story see you in the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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