Chapter 3

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TW: Mentions of abuse


Heading off to work, you finally get a glimpse of life away from Table-chan. It's not that you hate it, but rather you're still embarrassed over what happened last bight. Arriving at the office, you notice the table changed. You refuse to believe it.
Before anybody else arrives, you ask, "Table-chan?"

"Yes, it is I. I have come here to see my father, Tree-kun," he replies to you.

Looking out the window, you notice a mighty oak which has stood the test of time.

Table-chan lets out a sigh and tells the story.

"As a young child, I was brutally abused by Tree-kun. I was never good enough, and every time I didn't do something right, he hit me. My legs are still hurt from all those years ago."

He shows you his legs, brutally torn apart.

"I'm so sorry Table-chan!," you exclaim.

"It is fine, off to work you go however. I will expect you at home by 7," he tells you.

**end of chapter three**

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