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<Kyran's POV>
I looked at her, annoyed Aria followed me on the subway. All I wanted to get some pizza for Beth, Toby and Elijah. I guess I have to deal with her now. "So how long is this trip?" She asked me. "About 10 minutes, I've been on this train before. It doesn't take long." She nodded at me. "How longer?" Aria asked again. "You asked that five seconds ago." I replied. "Not shorter then before." "Ah, okay." Aria got up and started climbing on everything like it was a monkey gym. "Hey. Sit down, or your gonna get kicked out." She sat down quickly. A few minutes, the bell rang for the people who got off here. "Is this our stop?" I facepalmed. "No, it's not. If it was, I would be getting up anyway." Aria nodded as she watched the doors slowly close. The reminder that always went off, 'do not run then the doors are closing.' The train started again, and we kept going until the next stop. "Are we there yet?" "No, moron, we're not." "How longer?" "5-6 minutes. Now be quiet." I replied, and got on my phone to watch YouTube. A few minutes later, finally, the subway came to a stop. At my stop. I got my bag and started walking to the door to get out. Aria got up, holding her backpack. Following me. "Why are you following me anyway?" I asked her, both of us walking out the doors. They closed, and the subway flew past us, like it was in a hurry. "Because I like you!" Aria said, jumping up and down on each stair that we walked on. "The pizza place is down here." I said, walking where I pointed. Aria started running over there though. Like the subway, in a hurry. "Why are you running like your a run-away criminal being chased by the cops?!" I said, stopping to catch my breath. She kept on running and stood at the entrance of the pizza place. I ran over there, sighing. "We're here! Pizza, here I come!" She happily skipped inside while I walked to the counter to order. "Hello sir, what would you like to order?"
[time skip to after]
"Order 745, your order is at the counter." The speakers said. We had a little piece of paper that had our order number on it, and it said "745". We both got up, took our order, paid and walked outside. "So, what now?" Aria asked as we walked outside. "Now, we go home."

Kyran x AriaWhere stories live. Discover now